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        Using energy from around her, (Y/n) was making water from the waterfalls and natural springs to water the large farming areas of her established country. (Y/n)'s main focus has been on making sure her people will have enough crops to last for everyone in her country, along with enough to do trading with the rest of Teyvat. (Y/n) is currently residing in one of the smaller villages far from the main city. (Y/n) always takes time to help everyone, even if they are right at the boarder of her nation and the others.

(Y/n) had taken on a human form. She looked about 15-16, while in reality, she's over 3,000 years old. She may be old when it comes to the new Gods, but before the Archon war, she'd be considered a teenager among them. There were gods thousands and thousands of years older than her when (Y/n) was first born, but now here she is, considered one of the oldest of the remaining gods.

"Bia!" Audre flew over using a Hurricane Seed as her main mode of transportation. "There's a strange boy here! He's been asking everyone about something called a Delusion, but he's starting to scare everyone. He also looks like he's on the brink of collapsing."

"Oh my," (Y/n) used a Hurricane seed and had Audre lead the way to the strange boy. Following her subordinate, (Y/n) found a crowd of some of the villagers all surrounding something. "Everyone please move, I would like to see his condition."

"He passed out after asking my daughter about a Delusion." One of the mothers of the village said.

(Y/n) gently touched his forehead. He was suffering from a heat stroke. What didn't help was the summer heat, the beating sun, and him wearing darker clothing. "I will bring him to the city. He'll have better care over there. Audre, do you think you could use a Cleansing Heart and a Hoarfrost Core to cool his wrists and neck? It's best if we start cooling down those points since that has the least amount of muscle and we can cool his blood quicker."

"On it." Audre opened up her grimoire and started casing the two spells. The water will make loose bracelets and a loose necklace around his writs and neck while the Hoarfrost Core froze the water, and kept it freezing. The burnings sun and summer heat wasn't going to show that ice any mercy.

"Will you guys be alright?" (Y/n) asked some of the villagers. She still had a few more things she needed to get done for their village before she could go back to the city and work on some paperwork.

"We'll be alright," One of the elders smiled kindly. "Please make sure that boy recovers."

"I will," (Y/n) smiled and used some Hurricane Seeds to lift them only 3 feet off the ground. Heat rises, so the higher they go, the more heat the boy will suffer through. "Let's go."

Diluc slowly woke up to find himself in a much cooler temperature. He swore he thought he was outside, but now all he sees is a stone ceiling. He noticed his clothes were different, they were white to reflect most of the suns rays. There was a strange device blowing cool air on him, something he hasn't seen in Mondstadt.

"Oh, you're awake," (Y/n) smiled, walking over to the bed. "Are you alright?"

"Where...am I...?" Diluc slowly asked, his throat dry as sand.

"You're currently in the hospital at Nishati's capital city," (Y/n) said. She used her own energy and brought over a pitcher of water, and poured the water into a glass that was on Diluc's nightstand. "Here, you should drink up."

Diluc didn't bother asking how she did that right now. He sat up and gulped down the water. It felt like he was given a healing potion, but it was only just some water. "Thank you very much."

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