🍰 Zhongli 🍰

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Happy Birthday you old fart. I love you, but I love Xiao even more, so someday, sir. Someday. Fun fact, me and Xiao (the character) share the same name. His name is Xiao and mine is Xiao. So hopefully with us both having the same names, I'll pull him when his banner comes out. Either that, or it will be a curse. Anyways, this is the big old dragons birthday special. This takes place during the Archon war. Hope you all enjoy. (I published this a day after his birthday on Wattpad because I stayed up for New Years and I passed out so I forgot to publish it. Oops)

"You my friend, are now 4,000 year old," (Y/n) teased the big dragon. Both have not taken on a human form, so Rex Lapis is is a big amber dragon while (Y/n) is simply an outline of pure energy the size of a human. "It's kinda hard to believe you're so old now."

"And you are only half my age," Rex Lapis sighed, as he watched over his people building Liyue harbor. "You are no spring chicken yourself you know."

"Hey, 2,000 years is still pretty young when it comes to God years," (Y/n) said, bandaging the cuts on her arms and putting rocks that were previously in water, to help the swelling in her face go down. The God of Dust and God of Energio were just fighting along side the God of Geo, but (Y/n) ended up getting hurt pretty badly. "But during this sort of time, being able to live to 4,000 years old is incredible. Most of the others are not even 1,500 years old. I'm lucky to have celebrated my 2,000 birthday this year, considering I've almost died at every turn."

"You are lucky, I shall admit," Zhongli sighed. There are moments where Zhongli was wondering how (Y/n) is still alive during a time of war. She's so powerful and graceful on the battle field, along with having such high senses. But when it comes out outside of battle, this girl will be tripping over tiny rocks in the road or her foot would slip out from under her from a tiny toy ball and fall into the water. "You fall down mountains, fall into lakes, and crash into trees. How are you not dead?"

"Celestia is on my side," (Y/n) laughed. "They know they need me down here, so that's why they won't let me die so soon."

"I wonder, if I were to try and kill you, will they try and stop me?" Zhongli asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you dare!" (Y/n) yelled, before she hissed at the pain in her side. Apparently she now has a few broken ribs. She doesn't have a special place to heal, so she'll just have to heal like a normal human. There were herbs that she could use, but most of land was barren and dead due to the war. "Ow! Oh my Celestia if my ribs do not heal before our next fight, I am going to fix them myself."

"That just sounds like you'll cause more pain than necessary," Zhongli sighed. "You are very reckless."

"Oh please," (Y/n) rolled her eyes. She brought out a dried Glaze Lilly, and handed it to the other God. "Here, a Glaze Lilly. I was told that your people gives a dried Glaze Lilly that bloomed on someone's birthday. I just waited for one of them to bloom last year and plucked it, and asked a one of your people to help keep it in tact while it dries out."

"You know you didn't have to give me a gift during the time of war, correct?" Zhongli asked, taking the Glaze Lilly and examined it. He had to admit, whoever (Y/n) trusted to hold onto it and keep it in tact, did a pretty good job.

"Correct, but it's nice to receive a gift on your birthday," (Y/n) said, and lifted her shirt just high enough to wrap the bandages around her rib cage. Even though she is made of pure energy, that doesn't mean she still can't take damage. She has bones too, and since she looks somewhat like a human, she had to have a human skeleton to support the form. "Everyone likes getting a gift on their birthday, and I can tell that even though you don't like social interaction and you would prefer to keep things professional, even in your private life, you need a little bit of friendship in your life, along with a gift on the day you were born."

"What is so special about a birthday anyways?" Zhongli asked, unsure of how the day that he was born could be something important to (Y/n).

"Because if you weren't born, that means I wouldn't have been able to meet you, become you friend, your alley, and hopefully be your partner when it comes to anything," (Y/n) wasn't thinking of the romantic side of things right now, but saying 'partner when it comes to anything' can make some people think otherwise. "I got your back, and you have mine. I mean, if you didn't, you wouldn't have pulled me away from Osial's large water spear that was going to piece my heart. A friend does save a friend."

"I only saved you because it would be an inconvenience the amount of power you have to suddenly kill my people," Zhongli half lied. It is true that it would not be good if (Y/n) were to die, and her burst of god level power were to kill Zhongli's followers. The lie is that he would feel quite sad if (Y/n) were to pass away during the war. "Nothing more to it."

"Oh? Is the great Rex Lapis starting to fall in love with me?" (Y/n) teased, laying down on the soft grass.

"No," Zhongli said sternly. "Who would?"

"Ouch, my heart," (Y/n) faked her hurt, and laughed. "Be nice to me, I'm injured."

"If you're injured then you should go get some rest instead of teasing me and celebrating my birthday. We are in a war, remember?" Zhongli asked, and looked over to the girl. "Get some sleep or else I will knock you out with a rock."

"No, please don't, not again," (Y/n) said, and turned onto her side, her back facing the birthday boy. "I'm going to sleep, see?"

"Go to sleep instead of trying to prove that you're trying to go to sleep," Zhongli sighed. "And actually sleep for once instead of creating little moving pictures with your powers."

"Ok ok." (Y/n) huffed, and put her arm under her head to support her neck. Closing her eyes, (Y/n) drifted off to sleep.

Zhongli sighed. He looked at the dried Glaze Lilly that (Y/n) had gifted him. He sighed, and put it in (Y/n)'s traveling bag. He can't change to a human form right now since there were people around, and he doesn't have a bag he can put it in. He'll just store it in (Y/n)'s bag for now, so he doesn't the lose it. He'll admit, for a birthday being in a war, it wasn't so bad.

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