💧Xingqiu 💧

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        Laying down in her quarters, (Y/n) was ready to go back to Liyue. She was overseas visiting her fellow Archons, and now she could finally come home. The last person she had just visited was the Pyro Archon, who of course made the girl stay longer than she wanted. The Pyro Archon and the Energio Archon were the closest, but sometimes they could be too much. (Y/n) was just happy she was going to be seeing someone she has missed for months. Just a couple more hours, and she would be home. Lifting up the paper in her hand, she reread the contents of the letter.

My dear (Y/n),

I am happy to hear that you are coming home. I am also happy to hear that you has had some fun visiting your Archon friends in their nations. Did you and the Hydro Archon fight again? Your last letter from when you were still there, you said you were ready to cause another war, but just between you two. I am happy that you did not cause a war, I don't think I would be able to handle knowing you would be on the front lines of a war.

Everything here at home is going well. The Feiyun Commerce Guild is still doing some good business, and yes, I've been reading a lot of books. Most of them were romance books, since I I ahve been craving romantic moments between us. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your soft lips. I wish you were here so I could run my fingers through your hair and hold you close, knowing that you are safe with me.

Father and brother also miss you being around. They constantly ask when you are going to be coming back, most likely to try and convince you to get married to me soon, but I already know that you don't wanna get married too soon, especially since I am only a teenager.

I hope to see you soon, my love. I shall be waiting at the docks for you.

Love, Xingqiu

It was night time, and (Y/n) had just arrived in Liyue Harbor. She got off the boat with the rest of the passengers, nothing but her grimoire attached to her side and a bag of Mora attached on the other. Looking around, (Y/n) was expecting to see her boyfriend, but he was nowhere. She did remember saying in her letter before coming home, that the time may very because of the rain storm that was supposed to be coming, but it seems it made its way towards Monstadt instead of Liyue.

(Y/n) looked around, seeing if there was any signs of someone from the Feiyun Commerce Guild, but there was no one she could recognize. She sat down at the edge of the docks, and let her legs dangle off the edge. Sighing, the girl took out her grimoire and started writing down a bunch of different spells she could possibly use. Most of them were drafts, but she was hoping to improve her own abilities, even if she is an Archon.

"Excuse me, my lady," An unfamiliar voice made the girl turn around, and look at who was possibly talking to her. There was a man, someone (Y/n) definitely hasn't seen before. He didn't look like someone from the Feiyun Commerce Guild, certainly not someone she has met before. Blinking a few times, (Y/n) looked around to see if there was any other girl that could possibly be the person he's talking to. "The one with the book in hand."

"M-me?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, you," The man walked over. He was young, maybe taller than (Y/n) and her boyfriend. He was handsome, (Y/n) had to give him that. He was a little lean, with pale skin and blonde hair, so someone not from Liyue possibly. "Whatcha doing over here all by yourself? A girl as pretty as you shouldn't be sitting her all by yourself."

"I'm just waiting for my boyfriend," (Y/n) said, closing her grimoire and reattached it to her belt. "I told him I would be coming home between certain times because of the storm that was supposed to be coming, but I guess I'm here a little early."

"How about I bring you to see your boyfriend?" The guy asked, putting one hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. (Y/n) had a feeling she knew what was supposed to happen. "Come on."

"That shall not be necessary," A familiar voice made (Y/n) relax. She whacked the guy's hand off of her shoulder and ran over to Xingqiu, hugging him tight. "Hello my love."

"Hello love," (Y/n) smiled, hugging her boyfriend happily. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," Xingqiu wrapped his arms around his girlfriends waist, before his attention turned to the other person. "Who are you?"

"N-no one," The guy stuttered. "I was just offering her to take her to her boyfriend, but now I see you are here, so, I should get going." The guy said, and ran off.

"Well that went smoother than I was expecting," Xingqiu said, turning his attention back to his girlfriend. "How are you love?"

"Better now that you are here," (Y/n) let go of her boyfriend and then hugged his arm happily. "How was your time without me?"

"The worst," Xingqiu said, sighing. He honestly didn't like it when (Y/n) was gone for several months. Sadly, he can't do anything to stop (Y/n) from being an Archon, a being that has a lot of responsibility on their plates from not just being an Archon, but just being leaders of nations while also making sure they are maintaining relationships with one another. "I just wish that you could stay here with me more often. Why can't you just stop being an Archon and stay here with me till I die?"

"Because being an Archon takes a lot of effort and responsibility," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders lightly. "But hey, I'm all done with my diplomatic stuff, and I can stay here."

"Are you sure Rex Lapis is going to be alright with you staying in his nation for a while?" Xingqiu asked, leading the way back to the Feiyung Commerce Guild's headquarters, where there would be dinner served for the second son and the Archon.

"I'm sure he'll be alright with it," (Y/n) rested her head on his shoulder, her arms still wrapped around one of his. "Besides, he can't kick me out that easily, and I've been running away from him for a long time. There's no way he could possibly catch me."

"You were saying?" Zhongli asked from behind her.

(Y/n) grabbed her boyfriends wrist and made a mad dash for it, Zhongli not that far behind the two.

"Get back here (Y/n)!"


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