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This contains spoilers for Zhongli's story quest! If you have not played it, I suggest you do not read this chapter until you have played the story quest, or you have learned what happened during the story through other people possibly telling you or watching a playthrough on YouTube. So if you're gonna say I spoiled and ruined it for you, you obviously did not see this warning, and I will laugh at your comment because I gave you a warning and you had decided not to read it. Ok bye.

        Standing at the top of the highest spear in Guyun Stone Forest, Zhongli was left to think. He and Aether had just thrown Havria's Salt Chalice and Salt Ruler into the sea to rest, saying that it was her time to finally rest. Zhongli needed some time to think remaining about the Archon War, ad the different Archons that he had faced, the ones he lost, and those who survived. He needed just a little time to think.

        "I thought I would find you here," (Y/n)'s head popped up from behind the cliff, looking at her long time friend. She pulled herself up, and walked over, standing next to him while looking out at the once spears that pinned down Archons before, were now looking like cliffs. "Wanting to visit some old foes and think?"

        "You could say that," Zhongli mumbled, looking at the spot where the chalice and ruler were thrown. "We had visited Harvia's grave."

        "You went inside her domain?" (Y/n) asked curiously. (Y/n) remembered when the Archon War was happening, she had time to time visited Havria's land. She was weak, (Y/n) had to admit. The God of Salt was a weak God, because she was a pacifist during the time of war. "How does it look? I haven't seen her domain since the last time I visited her, which was before her death. Is it true that her people really did kill her?"

        "It is true," Zhongli sighed. While Havria's people had fled to Zhongli when she was killed, (Y/n) was in Dragonspine (the new area near the Dawn Winery and Sal Terrae in the latest update) talking with the Archon of that land. "She was never able to take hold of a seat among the Seven."

        "And yet, I am the eighth Archon," (Y/n) gave a small smile. "Now how come you guys let me be part of your little group if you only went by The Seven. mind explaining that to me, dear Morax?"

        "Because you were unique," Zhongli looked over to his friend. "You powers were unlike others, and you were a very formidable opponent to the other Gods. I would say, that the The Seven were lucky to have someone like you as an ally."

        "And yet it is only you seven that were recognized," (Y/n) sighed, a small put on her face. "And here I was hoping that my own nation would believe in me, but here I am having to make the President of my nation swear to secrecy that I don't exist. I guess that's because it would change history, or people might kill for that information. That's the last thing I need on my land, murder."

        "Murder happens everywhere," Zhongli said, looking at the spears that held down different Gods. "Even in war, murder will be the most common way of dying."

        "I know I know,' (Y/n) sighed softly. She looked at the resting places of the Gods, remembering who she had faced during the war. She was closer with Zhongli than the other Archons, mostly because he helped her in her own nation the most while others barely did anything to help. "Hey, do you want to get some dinner? We can get some Grilled Tiger Fish or a Golden Crab dish. Or would you prefer Almond Tofu like Xiao?"

        "How about Golden Shrimp Balls as an appetizer, then we can get a Golden Crab and split the bill?" Zhongli asked, feeling a little better than he had his long time friend with him to help him face the traumas of the Archon War.

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