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        This is a late birthday special for Diluc.

        Something the Energiro Archon was not looking forward to, was having to do paperwork on her husbands birthday. Nishati had recently gone through some government documents from before the Archon War, and now there were laws being passed based off of those documents. For (Y/n), she has to either approve or deny requests to make certain things laws. Some documents from the past would be helpful as a law now, but sadly some of them were being twisted into something (Y/n) does not want for her people.

        "You doing ok Bia?" Audre asked, peaking her head into (Y/n)'s office, her face twisted with worry for her Arhon. "Do you want some tea? Or a snack? You haven't eaten since last night, and I don't believe you've slept since last night either."

        "I think I'm alright Audre," (Y/n) looked up from her paperwork, a small tired smile on her face. "I'm just a little stressed, nothing to worry about."

        "Are you sure?" Audre asked. "You look like you need food and some sleep."

        "As much as I would love to, I can't," (Y/n) sighed softly. "These documents need to approved or denied, and I can't let a single loophole be found for any of these that get approved."

        "Is the President going to be ok with you doing all of this?" Audre asked, coming into the room with a tray of tea and snacks. She brought them anyways, since she knows her God refuse to eat, drink, or sleep when something really important is happening. At least she asked. "Shouldn't she be taking care of these instead of you? You're supposed to be protecting the people from danger and making sure our land stays nice and healthy."

        "But I also need to protect the people from their government, not just outside threats," (Y/n) sighed. "Internal threats are worse than outside threats sometimes. The best thing I can do right now is get everything prepared for the President so she can confidently take over my tasks."

        "What about Master Diluc's birthday?" The subordinate asked.

        "I've already gotten him a few gifts," (Y/n) pushed a wrapped box more towards the edge of her desk. "Do you think you can bring it to Dawn Winery for me? I want to make sure his present gets to him on time."

        "You got it boss," Audre set the tray down on (Y/n)'s desk, and took the wrapped box carefully. "I'll be back later, ok?"

        "Thank you, Audre." (Y/n) said, waving goodbye to her friend.

        Diluc sat on the sofa of his home, waiting. He was hoping he would be able to see his dear wife on his birthday, and just spend some time with her. He knows she had some work she had to take care of, but this was starting to get ridiculous on how long he's been having to wait. It's already the evening, and she still hasn't returned. There's been no elements animals to come and give him a message, so she's started to become impacting.

        "Master Diluc?" A voice made the crimson haired man look over to whoever was there. It was Elzer. "Audre has come, would you like to see her?"

        "Please, let her in," Diluc said. "Please have some tea prepared."

        "Right away sir." Elzer said, and left to go let Audre in.

        Audre flew into the house, Diluc's gift in her hands. "Hello Master Diluc."

        "Audre," Diluc said. "What brings you here? Where's (Y/n)?"

        "Bia is currently still in her office finishing up paperwork that has to be done ASAP," Audre explained. "Unfortunately with documents from before the Archon War had surfaced, some of the people want laws based off of those documents. Some are against it because it was so long ago. Bia is currently trying to make laws based off of those old documents, but modernize them and find any loopholes and patch them up so it may work."

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