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"Chongyun, can I have a bite?" (Y/n) asked, walking with her boyfriend through Liyue. They were currently on a date, something both of them haven't had in almost 2 months due to their work. (Y/n) had to go back to her own nation to meet the new president of her nation, making sure they won't spill on her existence. As for Chongyun, he had business trying to exorcise bad sprits, but they just end up fleeing the scene when he arrives. He still got paid though.

        "Here." Chongyun said, bringing a spoon full of ice cream to his girlfriends lips. The two were walking side by side, with (Y/n) carrying an open ice blue umbrella over their heads, to keep the sun away. He watched as his girlfriend of 2 years happily took the ice cream into her mouth, a bright smile on her face.

        "Thank you, love," (Y/n) smiled more. She always loved sharing some sweets with her boyfriend, but he was usually the one who ate all the sweets before she could get a bite. That results in her getting her own portion of sweets while he gets his, and sometimes she'll have to share cause he went through his in less than 5 days. "How has work been going? I'm sure you're traveling a lot."

        "Yeah," Chongyun took a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth. "The spirits still leave though...never actually got to see one...at least I'm getting paid."

        "Don't worry, I'm sure you're going to see a spirit someday," (Y/n) patted her boyfriend on the shoulder lightly. "By the way, I was called to Monstdadt by a friend of mine. He said I could bring a friend, do you wanna come with me?"

        "Sure..." Chongyun said in his usual stoic voice. "I haven't been there before...I wonder if they have any deserts...."

        "They do," (Y/n) smiled. "Don't worry."

        (Y/n) stretched her arms over her head, a satisfying pop sound coming from her shoulders. "We're here! Finally! I don't think my poor feet could take so much walking...."

        "Let's go check into the inn." Chongyun said, carrying his bag and his girlfriends bag. (Y/n)'s shoulders started to hurt about three quarters of the way, before her shoulders just couldn't carry her bag anymore. Being the loving boyfriend he is, he offered to carry hers. He does admit, she packed quite a lot.

        "I'll go take care of that," The Energio Archon said, taking her bag and her boyfriends bag. "How about you go order us some food from Good Hunter?" She pointed over to Sara, who was currently talking with another customer. "Ask for the Sticky Honey Roast. It's really good, and I'm sure you'll like it."

        "But I can't eat hot food." Chongyun reminded his girlified.

        "Oh right," (Y/n) said. "Just tell her to not heat up the beef. It's already been cooked, so I think we should be all right." The girl kissed the Cryo user's cheek, and quickly ran off to one of the inns to check in, get a spare room key, and drop off their stuff so she could join him for a nice lunch.

        (Y/n) came back to a messed up seating area. "Uh, Sara, where did Chongyun go?"

        "You mean the boy with the ice blue hair and cat like eyes?" Sara asked, picking up one of the chairs and put it back to its proper position. "He ordered a Sticky Honey Roast, and asked for it cold. I had to talk to another customer, so one of my assistants (Idk if it's just Sara who works there but let's just say there was one more person) accidentally heated it up, and served it to him. I guess he wasn't paying attention, and ate some. He suddenly got very friendly and energetic, and started looking for you while destroying the seating area."

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