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        This was requested by seven from Quotev.

        When I imagine Nishati, I kinda image the rural area's are surrounding the city. As for the city, I'm not fully sure what to make it look like. I'll have to design it some time soon.

        Hi, it's been forever. Sorry for being away for so long, I've had to work and I'm just exhausted. You guys know how I don't sleep, at all? yeah, I've never had an easy time sleeping, even when I'm super exhausted.

        Sitting in her own office room, (Y/n), the Adeptus of Energiro, was finishing up some work. Bia, the Energiro Archon, and her were unfortunately facing a large drought and fires. Due to the high temperatures, some reaching to 120, and the sudden lack of rain, crops are during out and fires are starting. Even the Energiro Regesvine was starting to wilt, that is a very bad sign.

        Why was (Y/n) in her office instead of out on the field with Bia and Audrey? Well, she needed to stay in the captial just in case a fire starts within the city. Most of the buildings weren't that far apart, so a fire could spread easily. As for Bia, she was going to the Oceanid to get more Cleansing Hearts to help put out the fires while Audre herself was putting them out on the west side of the country.

        Xiao silently walked through the halls of the second largest building in Nishati, the first being an underground building to protect the people if the amount of Nishati were to ever cause harm to the people.

        His quiet footsteps barley caused a sound within the halls, none of the human workers even noticing he would walk right by with how quiet his steps were. Trying to remember the building to the best of his ability, Xiao found himself in front of (Y/n)'s office door. Lately, his karma has been getting to him, and he needed to spend some time with (Y/n). Knocking on her office door, Xiao was met with a very tiered response.

        "Come in..." (Y/n) said, putting her pen down to look at whoever was at the door. She was expecting to see the Archon or her right hand woman, but instead, it was her husband of 200 years.

        Entering the office, Xiao was unhappy to see his wife in such a tiered state. He has seen her so tired long ago, when the Archon War still raged on the continent of Teyvat. The last time the Energiro Adeptus was that tired, she had stayed up every night, letting Morax sleep and rest even after near death experiences. She used to stay up and comfort children who lost their families, she would heal the wounded, she would do everything except take care of her own health. Now with her people needing her, she will be getting no sleep any time soon. Bia used to insist that the Adeptus should rest, but obviously it hasn't worked.

        "Hello my snowflake," Xiao said as he had walked over to his wife and sat down in the chair across form her desk. "Are you alright? You seem to be very tired."

        "I'll be alright," The Energiro user said, but her body decided to work against her by having her yawn. She covered her mouth with one of her hands, a habit she had picked up whenever she had diplomatic meetings. Yawning during a meeting was rude, meaning the topic was quite boring. "I just need to find out why our country is having such a drought. We haven't had one like this for so long, and the problem isn't the same one from back then. Bia hasn't had much rest either,

        "You should rest my snowflake," Xiao got up and walked around her desk, he attempted to pick the girl up, but she refused to budge. "You need rest. Your brain will be running slower and you will not be able to think as easily."

        "But I must save my people," (Y/n) sighed. "The people come first, my well being will come second."

        Xiao let out a frustrated sigh, before he pulled (Y/n)'s chair away from the desk and picked her up. One of his arms was under was her legs while the other was under her back.

        "Xiao! let me go! I have to finish up this paperwork!" (Y/n) complained, trying to get out of his grip. She was failing, greatly.

        "No," The Adeptus said. "You will be getting some sleep. The goddess of Energiro will understand that you need to get some sleep, for the sake of your people. She is a very understanding and kind Goddess, so there is no need for you to push yourself to the point of exhaustion."

        "But I need to help Bia with this paperwork so the people won't suffer any more." (Y/n) complained, trying to get out of her husbands arms.

        "That does not mean that you have to put your own mental health at risk," Xiao said, and opened the door leading to (Y/n)'s private chambers. Audre, (Y/n), and Bia all have their own personal chambers connected to their offices. It saved them time from walking somewhere else late at night, along with making it easier for them to take well deserved naps. he set his wife down gently on the bed, before he himself climbed in next to her. "Now, we are both going to bed. You need rest since you have been working all this time, and I would like to spend some time with my wife."


        "No, (Y/n)," Xiao said, wrapping his arms around the other Adeptus, keeping her close to him. "You will be resting in my arms for as long as your body needs. When you wake, I shall be here."

        Before (Y/n) could argue back, a yawn had escaped her mouth. Her eye lids started to feel heavier, and her body had started to relax. "Fine...you win..." And she was out like a light.

        Bia opened her friend's office door, only to see her not there. The good news Bia had, was that they found the problem. It had appeared Celestia was taking away most of the countries natural energy for something, and the first thing that had been effected was their water supply (it isn't canon if Celestia is a bad place or not). Deciding to check her private chambers instead, Bia knocked on the door.

        "Come in."

        Well that was a voice Bia was not expecting. Opening the door, there was the Anemo Adeptus. "Well, hello there Xiao."

        "Archon of Energiro," Xiao greeted. He wasn't bugged if Bia were to see him and (Y/n) all snuggled up. If anything, Bia seemed to just shrug it off and not be bugged. Besides, she is one of Xiao's oldest friends. "What brings you here?"

        "Just wanted to let (Y/n) know we figured out the problem, and she has the rest of the month off to take some time to rest." Bia said. "Do you think you can tell her for me when she wakes up?"

        "I shall." Xiao said.

        "Thank you," Bia smiled. "Have a good evening." And the door shut behind her.

        Xiao looked down at his wife's sleeping face, a small smile creeping up. He gently kissed her forehead, before he had fallen asleep himself.

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