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Here's a birthday special for Kaeya, since it's his birthday (still is in my time). Be prepared for chaos!!! Or fluff. Maybe fluff (artist is from instagram and I made sure to put in their username)

"Happy Birthday Kaeya!" Kaeya's closest friends cheered. Right now, Kaeya was at Angel's share with the Knights of Favonius, Lisa the librarian, his older brother, and the Honorary Knight.

"Well, I was not expecting such a surprise," Kaeya said, honestly already knowing they were all planning a surprise party for him. He'll be nice, and pretend that he had no idea. "Thank you very much everyone."

"Is Kaeya happy?" Klee asked, running over without her backpack, something rarely seen.

"I am very happy," Kaeya smiled, patting the girls head softly. "I get to see all of my friends."

"Where's (Y/n)?" Aether whispered over to Jean, not seeing the Energio Archon anywhere.

Jean had received a letter from (Y/n), saying that she was going to be surprising Kaeya by coming to Monstadt early to celebrate Kaeay's birthday, but none of the current participants have seen or heard form her since her letter came in a month ago. Jean felt a little bad for Kaeay, since his girlfriend isn't around right now to celebrate his birthday.

"I don't know..." Jean whispered back. "She said she'd be back early to celebrate his birthday, but she hasn't been seen since the letter had come in. Do you think she might be in trouble?"

"But it's (Y/n), there's no way she would run into trouble and not be able to handle it," Aether whispered. "That, and the Archon of Energio wouldn't have any trouble handling something as simple as the Abyss or Hilichurls."

"A Death After Noon please!" Kaeya requested form his older brother, who only set down a glass of the drink. "Thanks!"

"Shut up," Diluc said, cleaning some glasses. "I don't care if it's your birthday, just don't mess up the place."

"Ok!" Kaeya just took a sip of his wine.

"Booze party!" Venti cheered.

"No! No booze party!" Noelle said, trying to stop Venti from drinking out of a wine bottle. "Please control yourself!"

"That's never going to work," Lisa sighed, sipping on some wine. "Once he starts it seem he can not just stop, even if we took the booze away."

"So what are we going to do about (Y/n) not being here?" Aether whispered, watching as Venti and Kaeya were drinking, while Diluc looked like he was already ready to throw them out. "Kaeya is going to be so sad if she doesn't show up."

"Well, maybe she has a surprised plan?" Jean asked, raising an eyebrow. (Y/n) has thrown a few surprise parties for many reasons, so she was just hoping the girl is possibly setting up some kind of surprise for the blue haired captain. "But if she doesn't show up by the time the party is over, I don't think Kaeya is going to be able to leave his room for a while, or until she shows up."

"Oh that could end badly..." Aether gave a nervous smile.

It was near the end of the party, and (Y/n) has still not shown up. It was quite obvious Kaeya was getting very upset. The alcohol was helping, his true emotions starting to show. Instead of his usual cheery and happy self, he was quiet and looked like he wanted to go home.

Jean and Lisa both brought Klee and Venti to their homes, more like Venti being dropped off at an inn. Diluc was doing some last minute cleaning, while Aether and Paimon both went to the same inn Venti is staying in. Amber headed back to her room at headquarters, and Noelle wasn't far behind the pyro user.

"You're quiet," Diluc said, standing on the other side of the bar and was looking at his younger brother. "It's pathetic. Why are you so quiet?"

"I was hoping to see (Y/n) today..." Kaeya mumbled, his elbow resting on the bar and his chin resting on his hand. His empty glass was in his other hand, just playing around. "I thought she would be able to come back today to celebrate my birthday...but I haven't even gotten a card, or a gift, or even a letter from her about my birthday..."

"She could have run into some trouble," Diluc said, taking the glass from Kaeya's hand and started to clean it. "For all we know, maybe she got captured by the Abyss and is being held captive."

"But she always gets out of those stations so easily..." Kaeya made a good point. "I just want to see her...even if it isn't on my birthday...I just want to see her in general...."

(Y/n) quietly entered the bar. She did indeed run into some trouble, known as Hilichurls, the Abyss Order, and Ruin Hunters and Guards. She was collecting a bunch of stuff as gifts to give to her boyfriend, known as things to make his Cryo powers get stronger, along with materials to help improve his sword. She had also commissioned Alchemists to make potions that will heal, strengthen, and defend the Cryo user when he's out on commissions. She admits, she had gotten there a little later than she was hoping for. Ok a lot later. It was almost midnight for goodness sake! She feels lucky that he's still here in general right now.

"Or maybe," Diluc grabbed his brother by the top of his head, and turned his face towards the entrance of Tavern. "She's right there, beat up and breathing heavily."

(Y/n) shyly waved. "Uh...sorry I'm late...I ran into a little bit of trouble on my way here..."

Kaeya was still pretty drunk, so he didn't have much of a handle on his emotions, and his brain was working slowly. All he could do was stare like she wasn't there, like it was his imagination playing tricks on him.

"Oh, that's right!" (Y/n) took off her backpack and started rummaging through, while walking over to set the gifts she had gotten him on the bar counter. "II got some Shivada Jade Chunks, a few Hoarfrost Cores, some Crystal Chunks, a few Frosting Essential Oils, and some Frostsheild Positions. Oh! And I have a cake too!" All the items were placed on the bar, but Diluc wasn't going to complain since his brother was in a state of shock, and (Y/n) has never trashed the tavern. "Happy Birthday Kaeya!"

Kaeya's face started flushing red, and tears started to come to his eyes. He got up from the stool, making it fall while he embraced his girlfriend. "You're here! You're actually here! I thought I wouldn't see you for a long time!"

"Oh Kaeya," (Y/n) hugged him back, rubbing his back softly with her hand, trying to soothe him. "I'm right here, don't worry. I'm sorry I'm really late, the Abyss Order had captured me for a while, so I had to get out, and I got lost inside the domain. I'm sorry I couldn't send you a letter saying that I was going to be coming back early. I wanted to surprise you."

"You did," Kaeya nuzzled the top of her head softly. "You really did..."

"Do you two mind?!" Diluc yelled, causing them to get each other go. "I am closing up! Go home!"

"Sorry!" (Y/n) squeaked, putting all the stuff back into her bag and started dragging Kaeya out of the Tavern, Diluc still yelling at them about PDA and to not have too much when there are people around them. 

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