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This was requested by cheeerryl from Wattpad.

"Do I even dare ask?" (Y/n) asked, looking at the 11th Fatui Harbinger, who for some reason had cat ears.

"Hu Tao put something in my tea," Zhongli said. "But I left the room to get something, but it appears Childe had drank my tea, and now he has cat ears and a tail."

"Why am I not surprised Hu Tao would do something like this?" (Y/n) asked. She's not surprised when it comes to Hu Tao's little antics with her old friend. How he puts up with her, (Y/n) will never know. "Childe, are you feeling alright?"

"I"m fine," Childe said, his tail swaying from side to side. "But I have a sudden craving for fish, and milk."

"Oh gosh he's turning into a cat," (Y/n) groaned, face palming. "Do you think Baizhu has anything that could possibly turn him back? Because he cannot stay like this forever, especially if his little brother were to see him like this. This idiot is supposed to be going home soon, and I really don't think Teucer is going to be happy about his brother suddenly becoming half cat."

"I can try talking to Baizhu, but I cannot guarantee he will have something to cure him," Zhongli sighed. "If necessary, you might have to go to Mondstadt to see if there is someone over there who could make a cure for him."

"I'll have to talk to Lisa and Albedo then," (Y/n) sighed as well. "Hopefully I can just talk to Lisa and get an antidote, but Albedo might have to be the first person I talk to."

There was a sudden crash, which made (Y/n) and Zhongli take a look at what happened. Childe had just ran head first into the wall, his face facing the wall. He was now laying down on his stomach, face still on the wall.

"Ok go talk to Baizhu right now," (Y/n) shoved her old friend out the door of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. "And you better come back with good news because I have a feeling this is not goin to end well, at all." And she slammed the door closed before Zhongli could say anything.

"Ow...." Childe finally said something, which was only a groan of pain.

"You alright there Childe?" (Y/n) asked, walking over to her boyfriend, and squatted down next to him. She poked one of his cat ears, which only twitched at her touch. "Did you die? If you did, can I have all the Mora in your account?"

"I'm alive..." Childe groaned, lifting himself off the floor and was now in a sitting position, facing his girlfriend. He had a few scratches on his face and a bloody nose. "And no you can't have the Mora in my account."

"Dang," (Y/n) said, bringing a handkerchief out from her pocket and handed it to him. "Here, your nose is bleeding. Why did you run head first into the wall anyways?"

"I saw a yellow dot," Childe said. "It looked so interesting, so I wanted to get it before it disappeared."

"And you have cat instincts too..." (Y/n) sighed, and stood up to grab a small first aid kid. "You really are an idiot. How the heck does Morax deal with you? Seriously, it's annoying."

"Because I'm charming, and everyone loves me." Childe posed.

"Your family doesn't count," (Y/n) came back with a small first aid kit, and sat down in front of the orange haired boy, and started putting rubbing alcohol on his cuts with a cotton ball and some tweezers. "Now shut up so you don't open up any of your cuts."

Zhongli opened the door of the Wanghsen Funeral Parlor. "I'm back."

"Please tell me Baizhu has some kind of medicine to turn Childe back into a normal human," (Y/n) begged, looking over to her friend. "Because this idiot ran right into a wall because he saw a yellow dot on the wall, which was just some focused sunlight."

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