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I have no idea if this guy has a vision and what element he possesses so until miHoYo releases what his element is or if he has a vision (I'm going to guess he does), he shall have no current powers. So no visions and he does not have an element he uses. Ok? Ok. Bye!

[11/28/2020] Ok! I'm getting comments saying what his element is. As I have responded before to others, I have not seen any official thing saying what his element is. I have not seen it in the official site, more Wiki Fandom. Either there is no information available to me on the site, or Wiki Fandom has it as "unavailable" or "unknown". So please, stop telling me he's electro. I will do more research but please stop telling me that he is when I have no clue if this is actually the official site saying that's his element or it's just some theory or people saying it's leaked information. So please, stop.

(Y/n) was currently in Liyue Harbor, taking the time to just relax. She was unable to find her 3,000 year friend, so she might as well take the time and stay in his land, exploring. Right now, she was currently at one of the little stalls selling different umbrellas and lanterns. Might as well get a few souvenirs to bring back to her home country and some stuff for Barbatos, who practically never leaves Mondstadt.

"Hello there, dear Archon of Energio," Morax said from behind the smaller (I still don't know how tall everyone is! T^T) archon. Zhongli walked over with Childe trailing behind. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking at all of the different souvenirs around here," (Y/n) said, picking up a red umbrellas and twirled it around in her hand. She was currently using a Hurricane Seed as her source of energy to keep the umbrella on her finger. "Maybe I'll get a blue umbrella and bring it to Mondstadt when I visit Barbatos. Or maybe he would prefer a lantern."

"Barbatos would rather you bring wine," Morax sighed. "Honestly I wonder why he enjoys drinking human alcohol so much."

"Oh please, you would enjoy the delicacies of human wine as well," (Y/n) said, referring to her time at Angel's Share in Mondstadt. She will admit, she liked the Dandelion Wine the most when visiting her drinking buddy. "Maybe you should come to Angel's Share in Monstadt with me and Barbatos some time."

"You two need to stop talking in your fancy talk and use your Archon names because I cannot keep up with who you are all talking about," Childe complained. All he knew was Zhongli was Rex Lapis and (Y/n) was....(Y/n). He didn't know what her god name was. "Just refer to each other as your human names or something."

"(Y/n) here has always called me Morax, for as long as I can remember," Zhongli sighed. "I've told her time and time again to either call me Rex Lapis or Zhongli. Now, I would prefer if you just called me Zhongli, since I am no longer the Archon of Geo."

"Hey, I'm still calling you Morax since that's what I've been calling you since the war," (Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms. "Anyways, what are you two doing out? I thought Mr. Childe here would be going back home, and you would be figuring out how to use Mora since you never had to carry around the currency."

"I'm avoiding someone who came from the Mainland," Childe sighed. "Another Fatui Harbinger. He's not liked by many of us, Harbingers or regular people."

"Well that's not good news," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "Is he short?"

"Very," Childe laughed. "He's so small! Smaller than Lumine!"

"So as small as Paimon?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was." Childe just laughed some more, while Zhongli just sighed at the two.

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