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        The Energio Archon was currently sitting in the hands of Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. Well, not in his hands, but more like in his statues hands. The girl's legs dangled off of the fingers, while she was leaning back onto her arms, supporting her body up. Why was she up on the Anemo Archon's statue? Well, she was waiting for him.

(Y/n) has been in Monstadt for a couple of weeks now and she had just helped her boyfriend of 500 years reconnect with one of his oldest friends. As for (Y/n), she was happy to be visiting an old fiend as well, the Dragon being very happy to see (Y/n) and nearly ate her when he tried licking her like a puppy. That was one heck of a day.

Barba and Aether. She pushed herself off the edge of the hands, and fell. She pulled out her gliding wings, and softly landed on the ground in front of the two.

"Hello," (Y/n) smiled softly, happy to see her two friends. "What brings you two to come find me?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us at Angel's Share tonight for dinner," Barbra smiled. "Jean is paying since since you and Aether here both did so well with helping with the Stormterror incident."

"Free food! Free food!" Paimon yelled happily, floating around. "Free food!"

"Don't overeat again," Aether said to his travel buddy. "You don't want to get a bad stomach ache and not have room for dessert, right?"

"Oh, right!" Paimon said, forgetting. "Master Diluc is going to be getting so much Mora with how much we're going to be eating!"

"Please don't make Jean go broke," (Y/n) laughed nervously. "Even if she's the acting grand master, she has a budget as well."

"But free food!" Paimon whined.

"I know I know," (Y/n) sighed. "But please make sure Jean isn't going to be going broke with how much food you two eat. You both run around all over the place, so you need a lot of food, which sadly costs a lot of Mora."

"We should have enough Mora just in case we need to pay for ourselves," Aether said, showing a bag of Mora that they had saved throughout their travels and commissions that they have taken. "What about you, (Y/n)?"

"You know me," (Y/n) smiled, showing her own pouch of Mora. "Just doing commissions and stuff." In reality, (Y/n) had made deals and contracts with the Lord of Geo, who sadly lost the bets between them and the deals were always in (Y/n)'s favor. Not even the amount of Mora in the Golden House could show how much Mora (Y/n) had won through the deals between her and Zhongli.

"Woo!" Venti cheered, drinking whatever was in his cup.

(Y/n) sighed, kinda expecting her boyfriend to be drinking. Of course, this most likely means he's going to have to find a place to stay, and (Y/n) was happy she got a room at one of the inns to stay in. Looks like she'll be dragging her unconscious boyfriends body to the room. "Venti, sweetie, make sure you don't drink too much. We don't want you passing out now, do we?"

"But we just saved Dvalin! We gotta celebrate!" Venti cheered, drinking his drink like usual, along with Kaeya, drinking as well. "Come on (Y/n)! Have a cup!"

"One, I do not want to get intoxicated when I might have to drag you to the room because you're passed out," the girl said, and sat dwon next to him at the bar. "And second, I do not believe Master Diluc is going to like it if I were to just start drinking and possibly causing a problem."

"Thank you for being considerate," Diluc said, cleaning one of the wine glasses. "Is there anything specific that you would like to drink tonight?"

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