Chapter 6: Hanging With The Enemy

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                Jayden's POV

So basically Alex and me both got suspended and sent home for the rest of the day. We're both in the hallway getting our stuff from our lockers when my friends come up to us. "Look we are sick and tired of y'all beefing over something so petty" Mehgan said irritated. "It's not fair for me to have to sneak off to hang out with Alex just because you guys can't get along" Nick said. "Ok so what do you guys suggest we do" Alex asked. "We want you guys to spend the rest of the day together and try to squash it" Justin said. I laughed and said "not gonna happen".

"We're not asking, we're telling you that y'all are going to hang out and squash the beef or I'm gonna slap the shit outta both of y'all" Erika said with a attitude. I rolled my eyes. "What are we suppose to do together" I asked. "That's up to you guys but it has to be together and you're not allowed to fight or I won't talk to either of you for two weeks" Nick said seriously. Me and Alex looked at each other and thought about it. "Fine" we both said in unison. "See y'all are already in sync" Erika said sarcastically. We left together.

Right now we're at Starbucks and we have our coffees and I'm going to attempt to have a mature conversation with the little bitch. "So are we going to address the reason this all started or nah" I asked. "Let's do it" Alex said. "Ok so this all started when you went and told whoever that I was rude and almost knocked you over when we met" I said. "I never said you almost knocked me over" Alex said. I took a sip of my Frappuccino and looked him in his eyes.

I have to admit he has some pretty blue eyes. Alex is mixed (his dad is black and his mom is Hispanic) and I'm not a hater I can admit he's attractive but I'm too prideful to ever say it. "I asked you if it was true and you said yes and then I punched you" I stated. Alex looked confused and then it seemed like something clicked in his head. "Oh my god I think I get it, I said yes when you asked if I called you rude but I never said all that other stuff" Alex said. Now I'm confused. "I told my old friend Sam what happened and he told other people and I guess people added stuff and made it seem worse than it was" he said.

"Let me get this straight, you and I have beefing and fighting for two years all because of a big misunderstanding" I asked. He nods his head. "This is why I hate people" I said finishing my drink. Alex laughs at my comment. "So are we done with the beef because it's exhausting" he said dramatically. "Yeah we cool" I said. "Do you see that" Alex asked pointing to the sky outside. "What" I asked. "It's the pigs flying because we finally squashed the beef" he said joking. I chuckled.

It turns out Alex lives across the street from my house we never cross paths because he leaves for school an hour early than me so he can have a little chill time before school. We get to his house and he looks at me. "So where do we go from here, are we friends" Alex asked hopefully."I think we should try to be acquaintances and go from there" I said. "Ok" he said getting his keys. "You can hang out with us from now on" I said smiling. Alex stop and looked at me like I grew another head and then smiled.

"Ok cool, how about we surprise them by coming to school together" he pitched. "I like it the look on their faces will be hilarious" I said laughing. "Ok well I have to go inside now, should I stop by your house in the morning and we go together" he asked. "Fine but we're leaving when I usually leave I'm not waking up earlier than I should" I said. He laughs. "Deal" he said. "Well, see you tomorrow" I starting to walk away. "See you tomorrow" Alex said walking into his house.

                                Alex's POV

I can't believe that just happened, Jayden and me just squashed the beef and we're going to be hanging out with each other now. That means I can hang out with Nick and the rest of the his crew. Strangely the idea of hanging with Jayden has me kinda blushing. It probably means nothing.

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