Chapter 16: Sad Simp

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Jayden's POV

Right now I'm at my house and I'm kinda sad. Me and Alex are taking a break from each other and it's starting to hit me. We haven't talked to each other in almost 2 weeks and it's driving me crazy as hell. We got into a argument and he said we should take a break and my dumbass agreed.

The crew knows and they made a bet on who would crack first. Mehgan and Nick bet that Alex will crack first and Erika and Justin bet I'll crack first. I just might crack because I turned my phone on and I immediately started getting touch starved.

My wallpaper is a picture of Alex and me kissing while we were on a picnic date for our 3 month anniversary. Our anniversary was 3 weeks ago and I can feel myself about to cry just thinking about it. I must have spaced out because I didn't here the front door open. I look up and I see Alex staring at me.

I shot up and tackled him to ground giving him a hug. "I'm sorry for being dumb and asking for a break, I missed you like crazy" he said wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. "I missed you too bub" I said. I got up and carried him to the couch and held him.

"Bubba why are you crying?" Alex asked wiping a tear from my cheek. "Because I love you and I missed you, plus I'm touch starved" I admitted. "You sound like a simp" he said laughing. I playfully rolled my eyes and said "shut up". "Are you hungry?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you want Popeyes?" I asked. He nodded again.

We made our way to Popeyes and both got the spicy chicken sandwich with their hockey pucks they call biscuits. As we were eating I peeped a guy that looked our age glaring at us. Alex followed my gaze and saw the guy. We both chose to ignore him and continued eating. Then the guy walks to our table and I have a feeling I might have to lay hands on him.

As he comes over another guy comes with him and now I'm definitely peeping their body language and I'm taking my jacket off just in case. "Can we help you?" Alex asked. "Yeah we just wanted to know if you guys were dating" the guy who was staring at use asked. "Yeah we are" I said. "I told you" the other guy said. "What are y'all names?" Alex asked. "I'm Paul" the guy who was staring at use said "and this is Chris" he said pointing to his friend.

"So what exactly did you guys want?" I asked in the most chillest way I could. "We wanted to know if you guys were dating and now that we know we wanted to know why you guys are gay" Paul said. "We're not gay I'm pansexual and he's bisexual" Alex said. "What is pansexual?" Chris asked. "It means I like all genders" he said. "There's only two genders and you can only like girls or guys" Chris said.

"You're both guys you should like girls" Paul said. "We do like girls but we also like each other not even though that's none of your business" I said. "You what you don't deserve to eat here faggots" Chris said before knocking Alex's food to the ground. Before the food even landed Alex stood up and punched Chris right in the mouth. As Alex practically tackled Chris to ground and started punching him Paul started pulling Alex's hair trying to pull him off of Chris.

Obviously I punched Paul right in his jaw and I felt my hand break upon connection. I ignored the pain as I punched him two more times before I grabbed him by his hoodie and practically dragged him outside. Alex did the same with Chris. I swung Paul by his hoodie and threw him against the dumpster. I helped Alex throw Chris on top of Paul. We finally look at each other before we both started laughing.

"Aww our first fight together" I said laughing. "And we took out the homophobic trash at the same time" Alex said. "I love when the Bronx in you comes out" I said. "And I love when you get mad you're Chicagoan accent comes out" he said as we went in side and got our stuff. "Your New York accent comes out when you're mad and it's hot" I said.

"We just beat two weak ass niggas in a Popeyes because they messed with my food, this is the ghettoest thing I've done in a long time" Alex said. "Same" I said as we walked back home. We made our way to my room and the adrenaline comes down and my hand starts hurting like hell. "We should go to the hospital, you're hand looks broken" he said. I nodded.
(Time skip) after hospital trip

We finally come back home and like Alex predicted my hand was broken. My mom who works at the hospital wasn't surprised when I broke my hand and told me and I quote "You should've broken his jaw, I would've made his bill high as hell" I love my mom.

"So now you have to wear a cast on your hand for a month" Alex said. "I don't care as long as I can still cuddle and kiss you" I said giving him a light kiss. We decided to take a shower together. It didn't get sexual just making out. We got in our pajamas and cuddle until we both fell asleep.

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