Chaper 3: Where It Started

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Jayden's POV
I'm walking in the cafeteria after that weird encounter with that Alex guy. Alex is probably gay, and I know this because I have a great gaydar. Probably because I'm bi so I'm usually good at spotting people in my community.

Anyways so I get to my usual seat with my crew. "Sup" I said. "You seem more grumpy than usual, what's the matter" Nick said fixing his glasses. "I was pulling my stuff in my locker and this new kid came up to me being all nice and stuff" I responded. "Did he tell you his name?" Mehgan ask. "Yeah his name is Alex" I said.

"He sounds cool" Erika said jumping in the conversation. "He's gay" I said nonchalantly. "Wait he told you that he was gay and y'all just met?" Justin asked. "Nope I just know" I said. "How" Nick and Justin asked confused. "Gaydar" Erika, Mehgan, and I said.
"Ohhh" Nick and Justin said finally getting it.

"But anyway he just came up to me out of nowhere and just introduced himself saying he was new to Chicago and he asked me what my name was, so I told him and he said it was a nice name then I just left" I told them. "Jayden why did you leave?" Erika asked. "Because he was being nice and boring" I told them truthfully. "But Nick is like the nicest person on earth and you're friends with him" Justin pointed out. "Because Nick is Nick, he needs friends he can't really defend himself, no offense Nick" I said. "None taken it's true I don't like confrontation, it makes me uncomfortable" Nick said shyly. "We know bud, that's why we don't put you in those type of situation" I said calmly. "Thanks guys" he said smiling. "No problem" we all said.

(Time skip)

We're all leaving the school when I over here two girls talking. "Did you here that Jayden was extremely rude to the new kid earlier" one girl asked. "Yeah I heard the new kid was just asking Jayden what his name was and he told him to leave him alone and almost knocked him down" the other girl said. Now I'm pissed. "Where the fuck is that little bitch!" I yelled. "Who are you talking about" Erika asked confused on what just happened. "That new bitch Alex, where is he" I asked getting more pissed by the second. "I-I think he's over there" Nick stuttered pointing behind me.

I turned around and saw him talking to someone I don't know. I stomped over to him with my crew following me trying to calm me down while also trying to figure out what's wrong. I get in his face and ask "Why are you talking shit about me!" I asked. He looks at me with a confused and kinda scared look.

"W-what are you talking about" he asked. "Why are you going around telling people how rude I was to you" I asked reaching my breaking point. "I'm not I promise" he says trying to touch my shoulder. "Don't you dare touch me" I exclaimed. He put his hand down. "Now I'm going to ask you this one last time answer honestly, did you tell someone that when you came up to me I was rude to you" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Technically yes however-" before he could finish his sentence I punched him in his face. He was stunned as I continued to punch him in his face over and over again. Finally it took Justin, Mehgan, Nick, and Erika all to pull me off of the bitch.

By the time I was done he had a black eye and a bloody lip. "JAYDEN STOP" was all I heard my friends say as they pulled me off. "Let's go" Erika said as we all ran down the street on the way to my house.
Flashback over

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