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S o p h i e

It was finally Friday, and I was ecstatic. This week had felt so much longer than usual, maybe because Luke and I had spent a lot of time working on our project.

I met up with Allie in the hallways before first period. "Sophie!" She exclaimed when she saw me walking towards her.

"Allie, I've barely talked to you all week!" I said and greeted her with a hug.

"How's the project going?" She asked. I told her it was good. We started making our way towards first period. Someone walked by and him and Allie smiled at each other. When I looked over at her she was blushing.

"Allie, what was that about?" I said with a grin on my face and eyebrows raised.

She blushed even more. "Nothing." I glanced back to see Calum Hood walking away.

I gasped. "Allie! You and Calum?!" I hit her shoulder lightly. "When? Why didn't you tell me? Oh my god, this is exciting."

"I don't know, I didn't want to say anything and then have it not be true!" She exclaimed. "And we're in the same English and Math classes. We're only friends for now but hopefully more soon..." she trailed off. I squealed in excitement. Just then, the warning bell rang and we made our way to History.

"Good morning class!" Mr. Walker said as he shuffled into the classroom. He recieved a few grunts in reply from our tired class. "Be excited, it's Friday!" He encouraged us as he set his papers down on his desk. We started our lesson and before I knew it, the bell rang. I put away my notes and stood up.

I noticed Luke approaching me. "H-hey Sophie," he mumbled.

"Hi Luke," I replied as I began to walk to the door.

"So um, for the project, do you think we should meet up this weekend?" He asked in a somewhat-quiet voice.

"Yeah sure, good idea. I didn't think of that," I replied while nodding my head.

"Okay, see you later," he said and rushed off to his next class.

• • • • •

It was now lunch time and I was sitting at a table with Allie while she told me all that's been happening with Calum and her. I interrupted her and told her I needed to use the bathroom.

I left the cafeteria and headed down the halls. When I came out of the bathroom, I heard some faint music coming from down the hall, in the music wing.

Curiosity got the best of me and I listened as the music got closer. When I got to the door of the classroom it was coming from, I couldn't believe my eyes. Luke and Calum were in the music room singing and playing guitars.

I was surprised that someone like Calum would hang out with Luke. But what surprised me more was that they both sounded good. Not great, but pretty good for two high schoolers in a music room.

I listened from outside the door for a bit. They were working on an Ed Sheeran song, and it was sounding really good. Their voices harmonized perfectly together and with the guitars. I didn't know either of them could sing or play guitar

I remembered that I had told Allie I was in the bathroom and I hurried back to the cafeteria. Maybe I would have to ask Luke about his music skills later.

• • • • •

School finally ended, and I walked quickly home. All I wanted to do right now was curl up in my bed with my laptop and watch episodes of Friends.

I finally made it back home and unlocked the front door. I walked into the kitchen to set my keys and my bag down. I noticed a sticky note on the counter and I picked it up. It was a note from my mom, telling me that they would both be working late tonight and wouldn't be home until about 11.

I set it down and walked to the fridge. I sighed as I looked for something good to eat. I finally decided on an apple and a cookie and went up to my room. I sat down on my bed and pretty much watched Netflix the rest of the night.

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