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S o p h i e

I woke up to sunlight warming my face. I frowned as I realized I wasn't in my room. I started silently panicking as I realized there was someone lying next to me. Or rather, I was lying on someone. My head was on their shoulder and our legs were intertwined.

Slowly and gently, I pulled my head back and looked up. Their blonde hair jogged my memory and I remembered that I was at Luke's house. Luke Hemmings, the school nerd that almost everyone hated and made fun of. I was sharing a bed with Luke Hemmings.

But for some reason, I didn't care.

I remembered everything that happened last night, and I was really embarrassed. Okay, first off, calling Luke probably wasn't the best idea. I mean, we were good friends and all, but thinking back on it I'm surprised he actually picked me up.

Second, I broke down for no apparent reason. Sure it hurt that Brandon asked me to the dance and then completely ditched me, but it's not like we had anything really going on. Maybe we could've, but that's way out of the equation now.

I laid back down on Luke's shoulder but was pulled out of my thoughts when he started to move a bit. He opened his eyes and his blue irises stared down at me. "Morning," he said in his raspy morning voice. He turned to the side and coughed. "Sorry. Hi," he said, a bit flustered because of our proximity.

I laughed a little. "Morning." I sat up and got out of the bed and stretched. "I'm really sorry for making you keep me here last night, by the way," I said sheepishly as I collected my dress off the floor.

He waved me off and said, "Don't worry about it. Do you want some breakfast?"

I nodded and followed him down the stairs. We got to the kitchen and I sat down at the counter area. "What do you want? We have toaster waffles, fruit, pancake mix..." Luke's voice trailed off as he looked through his refrigerator.

I noticed something as he was speaking. "Hey, your stutter's gone!"

He turned his head to look at me and his cheeks got a bit pink. "Oh, I didn't notice that. Now it only happens when I'm nervous I think." He seemed a little reluctant to talk about the topic. "Anyways, do you want anything?"

"Toaster waffles are fine for me." I said.

He nodded and put two in the toaster. While we waited for them to be done, we sat in kind of an awkward silence. Luke broke it by saying, "The project is due next Tuesday."

I nodded. "Do you want to work on it today?"

"Yeah sure. We have to start working on the poster part soon." The toaster went off and he took the waffles out, handing me one on a plate.

We finished our breakfast and decided to go back to my house to work on the project. "I'll go get changed real quick," Luke said and ran upstairs.

I stayed in the kitchen and took out my phone. I had 34 texts and five missed calls. Most of them were from Allie, asking where I was and if I was okay. One was from my mum, checking in with me.

I texted Allie back letting her know that I was alive and that I went to a friend's house. I also responded to my mum. I had just hit send as Luke came down the stairs. He was wearing some jeans and a black shirt. I smiled up at him. "Ready?"

He nodded and put some Vans on. "Let's go."

• • • • •

An hour later, Luke and I were sitting in my living room. I had changed out of Luke's sweats and t shirt and into a pair of jeans and an All Time Low shirt. We were talking about the project and were about to start the poster.

We gathered out materials and laid them out on the floor in front of us. "Let's lay everything out first and we can glue it down afterwards," I said. I was a bit OCD about school projects; they had to be perfect for me.

We set everything out and began gluing letters and pictures of France down on the white board. "Hey, can you hand me that picture of the map?" I asked Luke and pointed to the photo next to him.

He reached over and grasped it in his hand before turning around to face me. Like the times before, we were really close without knowing. We kept eye contact and started moving closer. What was I doing? Why was I going through with this? Why was I leaning closer?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I felt his minty breath on my lips. My eyes fluttered closed subconsciously. Suddenly, his warm lips touched mine. We kissed for a few more seconds until we both pulled away.

"I-I should go. I mean, my mom will be home by now and wondering where I am," Luke stuttered as he got to his feet. I looked down, embarrassed. I glanced back up as I heard the front door open. I watched him walk out the door and hurry down the driveway.

• • • • •






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