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when u can see the reflection of ur selfie in ur sunglasses^^^

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L u k e

I woke up Saturday morning to yelling coming from downstairs. I groggily got up and checked the time. 7:30 a.m. Why the hell were my parents fighting this early in the morning?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily. I opened my bedroom door a crack so I could hear their voices clearly. I leaned in as my parents' voices traveled up the stairs.

"No! Liz, you can't be serious!" My dad yelled. He sounded desperate.

"You can't tell me what to do!" My mom yelled back.

I sighed. They had been fighting more often lately and I was starting to get nervous. What if they ended up getting a divorce?

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I got dressed in some sweatpants and a t shirt.

I was starting to get hungry, but I wasn't sure if it was safe to go downstairs yet. I listened closely but didn't hear yelling anymore.

I put my glasses on and quietly stepped downstairs. I landed in the kitchen and saw my parents sitting at the kitchen table. My mom had slight tears in her eyes and my dad's hand was on her back. When they saw me, they separated and Mom blinked the tears out of her eyes quickly.

"Morning Luke," Mom said with a smile.

"Morning Mom. Hi Dad," I said to them as I turned away and got out some cereal. I sat at the kitchen table and ate my breakfast in silence.

I put my dishes in the sink when I was done and trudged back upstairs. I brushed my teeth before flopping on my bed with a book.

After a while, I got bored of my book and decided to get my homework done so I would be able to sleep all day tomorrow. I did my math worksheet and read a few chapters of the book we are reading in English and before I knew it, it was 12:30.

While I was reading for homework, my phone had buzzed on my bedside table. I walked over to it and unlocked it as I went downstairs to make some lunch. I looked at the screen and saw I had a text from Sophie.

From: Sophie Henderson
Hey, wanna meet up again today to work on the project?

From: Luke Hemmings
Sure, when should we meet?

We texted back and forth for a bit, working out the details. Finally, we agreed to meet at the park in between our houses in half an hour and decide from there where to go.

I first changed into some blue jeans and a random band shirt. I grabbed my backpack and put my laptop in there, along with all the books I would need. "Hey Mom, I'm going out to work on a school project. I'll be back before dinner," I said to my mom who was sitting at her computer on her email.

"Okay Luke, I'll see you in a bit," she replied and stood up to kiss my cheek.

I threw a sweatshirt on as I walked out of my house and down the twisting streets. Not long after, I arrived at the park. A few little kids played on the jungle gym while their parents watched. Other than that, it was pretty empty.

I was about to take a seat on a bench when one of the little kids ran up to me. "Hey, are you the green giant?" he asked me with wide eyes. His friends ran up behind him.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "The what?"

"The green giant!" He exclaimed. "He's the broccoli man!" All the little kids giggled and stared up at me. There were only about five of them, but I still felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, that one brand of broccoli? Green Giant?" I said as realization dawned on me. I looked down and realized I was wearing green. "No, no I'm not the green giant, sorry guys." I said with a smile.

I set my backpack down on the ground next to the bench and was about to sit down when another kid piped up. "Play with us!"

"What? N-No, I can't. I'm waiting for my friend." I said. I looked around. Where was Sophie?

"C'mon!" The leader of the little group said. All the kids grabbed my hands or my shirt and dragged me over to the playground.

"What's your name?" The boy I had first talked to asked me.

"I'm Luke, what's your names?" I asked as I bent down to be eye level with them.

"I'm Kevin. That's James, that's Colin, that's Mackenzie and that's Julia." The main boy said. He was like the little posse leader.

I started inching back to the bench. I sat down and said, "Well, it was nice meeting you guys."

"No! Come play tag with us!" The little boy, James, yelled. They all crowded around me, some of them even climbing up on the bench next to me.

"I-I can't, sorry. I-" My sentence was cut short when Kevin took my glasses off.

"Ha! I got his glasses! Now he's blind. Run!" He shrieked to his other friends. They all started screaming and running to various parts of the playground.

I followed helplessly, trying not to run into anything. Without my glasses, I was almost blind. I tripped over a bump and steadied myself. I looked around but I couldn't see Kevin. I swear, if that kid breaks my glasses...

I kept stumbling around until finally, I gave up. I stood in the center of the playground awkwardly as giggles flew around me. I turned around and was about to walk back to the bench when I almost ran into someone. "Sorry, sorry." I mumbled and was about to start walking away until they grabbed my arm.

"Luke, it's me, Sophie. Here's your glasses by the way." She chuckled as she handed them to me. I put them on, and suddenly everything was much clearer.

"Thanks, I couldn't see where they went." I sighed, but I had an amused smile on my lips. "So, where should we go to work?"

"I know just the place." Sophie said with a grin.

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