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Omg Luke is like a puppy in this picture I can't handle it and it's jOHN

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L u k e

I walked to my fourth hour class with my head down and my books clutched tightly in my hands. I tried to avoid looking other people in the eyes and arrived in the classroom 4 minutes before the bell rang.

I took my usual seat towards the back of my AP calculus room. My mom was a math teacher so I kind of had to be good at math.

Class dragged on and on until finally it was time to leave. I had lunch next period, but I never ate. Usually I just went into one of the spare music rooms and played some guitar.

I made my way back to my locker to get my books for the afternoon. I got the usual teasing as I went, but I ignored it as always.

I arrived in the music room and grabbed the guitar I usually play. Sometimes, another guy would come in when I was leaving. His name was Calum and I think he was on the school's soccer team. All I knew was that he was better than me. Everyone here was.

I took a seat towards the front and began to strum. A few months ago I started putting covers of me playing and singing on YouTube and was currently trying to think of a new song to upload.

I played a few chords when a song popped into my head- A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope. I started to play it by ear and found the notes on my own.

After a few minutes of playing, I checked the time and noticed that the bell would ring in 2 minutes. I quickly put the guitar away and stood up and grabbed my books.

I turned around to see Calum Hood leaning against the doorframe of the music room. My eyes widened and I quickly looked down. "Uh, s-sorry, I was just l-leaving, sorry." I rushed past him and into the hallway.

"Hey wait!" He said and walked after me. I shuddered in fear that he would beat me senseless in the middle of the deserted hallway and leave. "Why are you running away? That sounded really good." He asked curiously.

I felt myself get embarrassed at the compliment. I never received kind words, except from my family. "I, um, thanks. I gotta go." I turned around and briskly walked to my next class as the bell rang. I'm sure someone popular like him wouldn't want to hang around a lame loser like me.

My next class was my worst nightmare.


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"Yeah, get 'em!" Yelled Tyler as he chucked another dodgeball across the gym. I had luckily gotten out towards the beginning of the game. Coach Perry let us do our homework if we got out, so I was doing my history work.

"Hermins!" Coach yelled, staring straight at me.

"Um, actually sir, my last name is Hemmings." I replied shakily.

"Doesn't matter," he grunted. "Anyways Hemsworth, you're always the first one out. You gotta try out there kid, ya hear me? Don't let yourself keep getting beat up because that's how my high school years went, and look where I am now. Do you think I wanted to be a P.E. teacher, babysitting you brats all day?" His beady eyes glared at me from under the brim of his baseball hat.

"I, uh-" I stuttered.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Get back to work, Larry." And with that, he turned back to the game of dodgeball.

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Wow coach is giving luke some words of wisdom

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