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S o p h i e

I rushed around the hallways, keeping an eye out for Luke. Where would he be?

The music room?

I sprinted down the halls until I arrived at the music room. I darted inside, but it was empty. My shoulders slumped and I thought harder. Where would he have gone?

I took out my phone and texted Calum, since he seemed to be the closest with Luke.

To: Calum
Do you know where luke is????

I paced around the hallway for a few minutes while I waited for Cal to reply.

To: Sophie
I saw him walking home, why?

I locked my phone without bothering to respond. I quickly left the school building and started home.

As I walked, I thought of Luke's words. He thought he was being too clingy? I shook my head and felt tears well up in my eyes. I blinked quickly to get rid of them. I couldn't cry now, I had to find Luke.

I briskly walked up to the front door and knocked. No one answered, and I rang the doorbell. Still no answer.

I desperately twisted the knob, hoping that it was unlocked. Miraculously, it was and I was able to get the door open.

I quickly entered the house and yelled out, "Luke! Are you here?"

I saw his black Vans by the door so I knew he was here. I walked to the kitchen but didn't see him there. I checked the living room as well, but no sign of Luke.

I ran up the stairs, praying that he was okay. I knew he was depressed a few years ago but he had told me that he was better. His room was empty, but the bathroom door was half open. I felt my heart stop as I walked in.

There lay Luke, on the ground. "Oh my God..." I muttered as I knelt beside him. "Luke?" I shook his shoulders and felt tears well up in my eyes again. "Luke!"

It was then that I noticed the bottle of pills lying a few feet away. I could feel my heart breaking. He was still breathing, but just barely. I fumbled for my bag and grabbed my phone. With shaking hands, I dialed the police.

The dispatcher said help would be on the way soon. I sobbed as I looked down at Luke. I loved him so much. How could I have caused this?

I laid his head in my lap as the tears continued to flow. I reached for his hand and shuddered as it didn't have its normal warmth. I glanced at his wrists and noticed something I hadn't seen before.

Long scars on the inside of his left wrist.

They looked old and faded, but they were definitely there. That just made me cry harder. I don't want Luke to die. I won't let him die.

I heard sirens outside. "I love you," I whispered as I heard policemen running up the stairs.

• • • • •

I was sitting in the hospital waiting room. My knees were drawn up to my chest and my head rested on them.

The doors opened and five people walked in- Liz, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Allie. I stood up as they all rushed up to me. Liz embraced me immediately and I felt her shake with sobs.

The boys gave me sympathetic glances from behind Liz. She let go and Allie stood next to me. She put an arm around my shoulder and said, "How are you holding up?"

I wiped under my eyes and said, "Eh," with a shrug. We all sat down and waited.

An hour later, a nurse came out. "Family of Luke Hemmings?"

Liz shot up and power walked over to the nurse. "I'm his mother. You have to let me see him, I need to make sure my baby's alright," she rushed out.

"Slow down ma'am. Your son is fine, he's just sleeping. You can see him, follow me."

Liz grabbed the nurse's arm to stop her. "Can Sophie come too?"

The nurse nodded. "You can send people two at a time."

I stood up quickly and followed Liz and the nurse to Luke's room on the second floor, 215. I wanted to cry again as I saw him laying there, sleeping. He was surrounded by tubes and a slow beeping filled the air.

I blinked away tears and pulled a chair up next to his bed. I grabbed his hand and just stared at him. His mother stroked his hair and left a kiss on his forehead.

We sat there for a few more minutes before Liz stood up. "I'm going to go get one of the other boys. Just come back when you're ready."

I nodded and thanked her as she left. I turned back to Luke and sighed. Why would he try to kill himself? I knew the bullying was bad, but he hid his feelings so well that I didn't know he felt this upset.

The door opened and Michael walked in. "Hey," he whispered as he sat down. I just gave him a small smile in return. Him and Luke definitely disagreed the most, but they saw each other as brothers, I could tell.

Five minutes passed, and I decided to send the next boy in. I stood up and gave Luke's hand a small squeeze. Michael stood up as well.

I looked back at Luke and felt myself start to tear up. Michael noticed and gave me a hug. "He's okay, he's going to be just fine," he comforted me.

"I don't know why he never told me how he felt," I said through my tears. I pulled away and wiped my eyes again. "Sorry Michael."

He gave me a sad smile. "No worries. Let's send Cal, Ash, and Allie back."

• • • • •

"Good news, he's awake!" The nurse exclaimed to Liz.

She shot up off her chair. "Can we all go in?"

The nurse nodded and we all quickly got up and walked down the hallway. Ashton got to the door first and flung it open. "Luke!" He exclaimed and ran over to his bedside. "How ya feelin bud?"

"Kinda shitty," Luke said with a small smile. His voice was raspy and he looked exhausted.

"Oh Luke! Don't you ever scare me like that again," Liz scolded as she kissed his forehead.

Everyone greeted Luke and tried making casual concersation, but I knew he was still mad at me for what he thought he overheard.

I pulled Liz aside and said, "Um, do you think I could maybe... Get a few minutes alone with Luke?" I fiddled with the sleeves of my sweatshirt as I talked.

"Of course sweetie," she have me a pat on the arm. "Boys and Allie, why don't we go get something to eat?"

They all exited, leaving me alone with Luke.

• • • • •


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