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S o p h i e

"So, Sophie, what movie do you want to see?" Luke asked as we got closer to the theater.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't really paid attention to what new movies are out."

Luke nodded. We both made our way into the theater. As he got the tickets, I looked at Luke. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a red and black flannel, and a gray beanie on top of his blonde hair. He looked really good.

Luke got the tickets from the lady behind the counter and we walked to the concessions area. "Did you want to get anything?" Luke turned to me as we stood in line.

"I think I'll get popcorn," I said as I squinted to see the menu pricing better.

We arrived at the counter and Luke said, "One large popcorn, please." He also put some candy on the counter.

I started to get my wallet out to pay but by the time I had some cash in my hand, Luke had already paid. I shoved his shoulder lightly. "You didn't have to pay, I brought money."

He shook his head. "The girl is never supposed to pay! My mom taught me manners," he responded as we walked to the theatre.

The movie was starting and we were in our seats. We were in the back row because, according to Luke, 'you don't have to look up at the screen and no little kids kick your seat.'

• • • • •

Halfway through the movie, Luke and I were bored to death. We had finished the candy and popcorn and were having a quiet conversation. "That actor's face reminds me of Marissa Johnson," he mumbled to me.

I looked at the screen and bursted into a fit of giggles. Marissa was a girl in our school who wore way too much makeup yet still somehow managed to be popular.

We were silent for a few minutes and I felt Luke grab my hand. I tried to hide my smile but a small one spread across my face anyways. He played with my fingers as the movie played on. Just that simple action was enough to make my stomach flutter.

"W-wanna get out of here?" Luke whispered in my ear, still holding on to my hand. His warm breath tickled my neck and I resisted the urge to shiver. I nodded and stood up, following him out of the theater.

We got outside and walked down the sidewalk. "I'm so sorry, that movie was terrible," Luke laughed as we walked hand in hand.

I chuckled. "It was pretty horrible. Let's get something to eat," I suggested as we walked past a few fast food places.

We ended up stopping at a sandwich shop. Luke took his beanie off and ruffled his hair as we walked up to the counter. I ordered a turkey sandwich and Luke ordered a ham sandwich.

As he spoke to the lady, I gently took the beanie out of his hands. He was too busy ordering to notice. I turned it over a few times in my hands before putting it on my own head. Luke finished paying and I grabbed the sandwiches. We made our way to a small booth near the windows.

Luke cocked his head to the side. "Is that my beanie?" I nodded and kept eating to hide my smile. I saw him smile too as he turned back to his food.

• • • • •

It was late at night and Luke and I were walking home. Our intertwined hands swung back and forth between us as we turned a corner and ended up on my street.

We ended up in front of my house and I turned to Luke. "Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun," I said, smiling up at him.

He returned the grin, causing his nose to scrunch up a bit. "Yeah, no problem. I'll see you later then." He let go of my hand slowly, and the source of warmth disappeared.

"Oh, wait! I forgot I'm still wearing your beanie." I reached up to take the gray material off.

He waved his hand. "Keep it, it looks cute on you." A small blush rose to both of our cheeks as he said that. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Night, Soph."

"Night, Luke."

• • • • •

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