112 5 1

*chants* dimple nose tongue lip ring dimpLE NOSE TONGUE LIP RING

S o p h i e

"Sophie!" Allie dragged out the last syllable in my name. "Wanna hang out today? Go to the mall or something?" She fell into step with me after school.

"Sure, we haven't hung out in forever," I replied as we made our way out the school doors. We got into her car and I texted my mum to let her know where I was going.

During the car ride to the mall, I pestered her about Calum. "Well," she bit her lip as she stopped at a stop light. "He asked me on a date yesterday."

I gasped and hit her arm lightly. "Allie! Why didn't you tell me earlier? When are you guys going out?"

She turned into the parking lot. "Um... Friday." She had a smile on her face as she drove. "We're going bowling."

"Aww, a classic date," I cooed. "We're going to find you an outfit here, okay?" I didn't wait for her to answer and stepped out of the car once she finished parking.

We entered the mall and started to shop. "Ooh, I really like these jeans," Allie muttered as we walked through Hollister.

"Try them on," I encouraged her. She went to the dressing room while I browsed for a shirt to match the light high waisted jeans. I finally found a shirt that would match. It was a black crop top with a white heart on it. It was simple, I liked it. I found some jewelry to go with it and brought it over to the dressing room.

I knocked on the door of the room that Allie went in. She came out in the jeans. "They look really good on you!" I said. "Here's some other stuff to go with it." I handed her the clothes and she locked the door again.

We ended up buying the jeans and the shirt. Allie claimed she already had jewelry to match and didn't want to use up her money.

• • • • •

By the time I arrived back home, it was six. I greeted my mom with a kiss on the cheek and ran up to my room to start my homework before dinner.

"Sophie, come eat dinner!" Mom called just as I sat down. I shook my head. Every time I get home late, I barely get any work done before dinner.

I sat at my place at the table and waited for my mom to put the food on the table. She served me some lasagna and some to herself and we ate in a peaceful quiet.

"I have some great news for us," my mom started out. I raised my eyebrows as I put another forkful of salad into my mouth. "I've been talking with my boss, and there may be an opportunity for me to get promoted!"

I gave her a big smile. "That's great, Mom! I know how hard it's been for you after the divorce. I'm happy for you."

"I haven't gotten the promotion yet," she laughed. Her smile faded. "But, there is a catch. My new job wouldn't be very close to where we are now," she gave me with an apologetic look.

I frowned. "How far away would it be?" I was scared to ask, yet I knew I couldn't avoid the answer.

"It would be down in Florida," My mom looked anywhere but my eyes and started clearing her dish away. I almost choked on my lasagna.

"What?! Mom, we can't move to Florida!"

"Listen, I don't want to move either. But if I do end up getting the promotion... I have to take it. It's a better opportunity for the both of us." She noticed the look on my face. "Let's stop talking about it, yeah? Go finish your homework. I'll do the dishes."

I walked back up to my room, thinking about what my mom had just dropped on me. What if we had to move to Florida? I couldn't leave everything I know behind. What would happen to Allie and my other friends? What about Luke?

I finished my homework at around 10. I couldn't get the promotion off my mind. I brushed my teeth and took my hair out of its ponytail. After running my brush through my hair a few times, I turned off my light and laid down in my bed. I tossed and turned through the night until I finally managed to fall asleep at around 1.

• • • • •






yes ik this chapter sucks but don't worry there's gonna be some lophie (this is a fucking terrible ship name wow) in the next few chapters :-)

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