Captain Hook

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Harry P/O/V:

I smile at Gil "How's your old man?" he grins "Still as loud as before. But it's great to see him again. How was your dad?" I shrug slightly not admitting that I didn't actually go to see him "Alright." he sighs "Did you actually see him?" I shake my head slightly "No." he grins "Come on then, I'll come with you." I sigh and he punches my arm lightly "Lets go."

Rubbing my arm slightly I follow him through the streets of the Isle. "You know you are stronger than you think." he grins over his shoulder "Sorry." I roll my eyes slightly and Gil stops "You know I have no idea where I am going." I laugh "Come on." we walk side by side towards the docks where my fathers ship soon comes into view "There it is, the Jolly Roger." we walk up the gang plank and Mr Smee walks over smiling "Young Mr hook, wonderful to see you again."

I smile slightly "Is my father here?" he nods pointing over his shoulder "Captain's quarters as normal." I turn to Gil "You don't have to come with me." he shrugs "I've nothing better to do." I walk over to the door to the captains quarters and knock twice waiting for an answer. "What?" I open the door and walk inside "Hi dad." 

He hasn't changed at all. His hair is all knotted and pulled away from his face with a dirty rag. There is mud smeared on his face and he has a half drunk bottle of whisky in one hand. "Well, well, well. So you finally decided to come back?" I smile putting my hands down to the side in a mock bow. "Well it is Christmas." he scowls rubbing a hand over my face "I never thought you'd come back." I shrug "Well here I am." he stands and walks over leaning heavily on my shoulder causing me to wince. "You look different." I smile slightly trying to ignore the whisky on his breath. "Auradon's food is better." 

He glares at me slightly "How long are you staying?" I shrug slightly "Just a couple of days." he nods "So how's Auradon?" I manage a small smile "Clean, some of the people are actually all right." he scowls "You like them? There the ones who trapped us on this god for saken island!" I sigh "The adults did that, there kids didn't." he laughs and stumbles backwards "You actually care about them?" Gil chuckles "Only one in particular." I glare over my shoulder at him before turning back to dad. 

"Who is she? It better be a she? Are they are prissy princess?" I scowl at him "Her name is Y/N and her parents are Robin Hood and Merida DunBroch." he laughs "The thief?" I nod slightly and he laughs again "Really Harry, of all the rich princesses you go for the daughter of a thief." I scowl crossing my arms "She's a wonderful person, and I care about her very much." he chortles "Women are good for one thing only." I frown taking a step back "What about mum?" he shrugs "What about her?" I scowl "You didn't love her?" he shrugs "Maybe at one point."

I shake my head and he takes a swig from the bottle of whisky. Talking through gritted teeth I un-cross my arms clenching my hands at my sides "I'll be going now." he leans against the desk and waves once before putting the bottle to his lips and downing it. I stalk out the room and Gil follows "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have come back. I just thought he might be happy to see you." I smile slightly patting his shoulder lightly "It's not your fault." he nods "Do you want to go home?" I nod "Yea."

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