Decorating the tree

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Harris and Hamish walk into the room carrying the boxes of decorations. I grin "Thank you." they nod "Have fun." they sit on the sofas nearby and I turn to the others "Let's decorate the tree!" we turn to the huge tree towering in-front of us and Dizzy grins opening up the boxes "Ooh these are great." Evie smiles taking out some tinsel "We can work from the top up." I nod "Good plan." Dizzy walks over holding out a wrapped box "I know gifts are supposed to be exchanged Christmas day but me and Celia made this for your tree."

I take the box of her and open it slowly, inside is a beautiful red and gold star with all of our names carefully printed in glitter around the edges.  "It's beautiful you guys, thank you." I take it out the box and Hamish walks over grinning "Want a hand up?" I nod and he crouches down, I sit on his shoulders and he stands again. I grin and carefully place the new star at the very top "Perfect." Hamish puts me back down and I grin "Thank you." he nods and goes back over to his brother. Uma and Evie start wrapping tinsel around the tree. While Dizzy, Celia and I arrange the ornaments and such.

We step back and smile "This is probably the best it's ever looked." I take my phone from my pocket and take several more steps back "Picture time." the four of them group together in-front of the tree and I take a picture before turning the camera and taking a selfie "Would you like a hand?" I smile at Harris and hand him my phone "Thanks." he nods and I skip over to the others, Evie wraps an arm around my waist and we all smile. 

Mum walks back into the room and grins "Wow tree looks great, dinners ready." Celia and Dizzy both grin and high-five. I laugh and we all file out the room into dinning room. Mum sits at the head of the table and I sit on her left with Evie opposite. The others all sit down and dinner is placed on the table. "Well it's good to have you home Y/N, and with all your friends as well. So happy Christmas everyone and dig in."

I smile and squeeze her hand gently "Happy Christmas mum." we all start eating and a comfortable silence falls over the room, save for the scraping of knives and forks on the plates. "So Y/N, why hasn't your handsome pirate joined us for Christmas?" I smile at mum "He went to the Isle with his friend to see his dad." she nods and my grandfather grins "So you have a boyfriend?" I nod and he raises an eyebrow at grandma "You approved him already?" 

Mum snorts "Will you leave the lass alone, she can date who ever she pleases." I smile and granddad shrugs "I just want to make sure he's suitable." I roll my eyes and he grins "So he's a pirate?" I nod and Uma grins wiggling her eyebrows at me I glare at her slightly "He's Captain Hook's son." he grins "Well that's something." I roll my eyes again and stare at my plate. Mum turns to Evie "So Y/N tells me you make outfits for a living?" she nods and smiles happily telling her about the company.

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