You have to listen

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Evie P/O/V:

Harry walks past us a broken look on his face. I turn to Uma and run to Y/N's door knocking gently "(N/n) it's Evie." the door opens and Y/N smiles slightly tears running down her face as she tries to wipe them away "Hello." I wrap my arms around her "We saw what happened." Uma nods "It wasn't Harry's fault." I nod "You have to listen to us please."

She nods and sits on her bed wiping her face "I want to believe him but that doesn't change the fact that he let Audrey kiss him." I nod "I know but you need to watch this, Uma recorded the whole thing." she turns to Uma looking slightly hopeful "I know I shouldn't have but I thought we could use it against Audrey but here..."

Uma hands Y/N her phone. She watches silently and her eyes widen slightly "He tried to push her away." Uma and I nod slightly and she frowns handing Uma back her phone "I still need some time before I face him." I smile "So you believe us?" she nods "Why wouldn't I." I shrug slightly "I'm glad you do. What should we tell Harry?" 

She shrugs slightly "For now nothing I'll talk to him when I'm ready." I nod and Uma smiles "I know he wouldn't kiss that Audrey girl willingly he literally just admitted that he loved Y/N." she blushes and covers her mouth "I didn't say anything." Y/N must look as shocked as me "What did you just say?" Uma sighs "Harry's going to kill me, he told me that he loved you."

I grin "You have to go talk to him." she nods slightly still looking shocked but Uma holds up a hand "Before you go you have to answer this, do you love him?" Y/N slowly nods her head "I think so, I certainly care about him a great deal." I smile "Then you must know that he would never willingly hurt you, it was Audrey who wanted you to hurt." she nods and slowly stands "I need to find Harry." Uma nods "Yea you do, come on."

The three of us leave the room and Uma and I trailing behind Y/N as she walks towards Harry and Gil's room. When she gets to the door she freezes.

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