Family reunion

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My breathing quickens as Striker, Baze, motions to the door. It is already open and standing in the doorway wearing similar clothes to his brother is my father. He looks exactly as he did the last time I saw him, a small smile on his face as he stares at Baze "Sorry I took so long I was finishing packing I..." his eyes lock on mine and I let out a broken sob before barreling at him jumping into his arms. "Your here? How did you? Your all grown up. My baby all grown up." I sob into his shoulder wrapping myself around him scared he may disappear "I love you dad." he sniffs clearly crying as well "I missed you so much princess. My little girl." 

I stand pulling away slightly as he places his hands on either side of my face "Your so beautiful, look just like your mother. Is she okay? Oh god I've been gone so long. Did she... I mean." I laugh trying to wipe away my tears "Mum's fine. She never lost hope that you would come back." he nods slightly hugging me close once more. "I love you so much Y/N, a minute didn't pass when I wasn't thinking about you and your mother. My family, my beautiful family."

He pulls away looking over at Baze "You told her everything?" 

"Yes. I owe your wife and daughter a very large apology. I should never have kept you here, although if I hadn't I never would have realized you were my brother."

Dad chuckles slightly and takes my hand in his walking over to Baze and Lonnie. "Robin Millers or Loxely which ever you prefer, nice to meet you." Lonnie smiles weakly "Lonnie Shang, I'm a friend of Y/N's." I sit back next to her finally getting my tears under control and wipe my face clean on my sleeve "Does Mum know about all this?" Dad smiles slightly "Merida knows everything about my past and family as did my adopted parents before they died. I would have told you as well when you were old enough had I not been taken away. I choose to keep Robin as my name as I preferred it but Corbin is my given name."

Baze smiles slightly turning to me "My dear I owe you a grave apology. I was blinded by my upbringing and didn't ever really pause to reconsider my options until recently. I know I can never give you the time back that I stole but if there is anything I could do for you I will do everything in my power to do so." I give Lonnie a small smile before turning back to him "The barrier around the Isle. Could you help us convince the royal council to bring it down, we have some close friends there. They deserve the choice to live here."

He nods "I'll do everything I can seeing as it is my fault it was sealed in the first place." I smile reaching for the necklace around my neck rubbing my thumb over the charm while staring at my father and newly found uncle a bubble of laughter growing in my chest before escaping. The three of them stare at me in shock but I can't seem to stop now I've started. "I'm sorry, its just I can't quite believe this is actually happening. Striker Millers is my Uncle and seems to be a relatively good guy. My dad is alive and healthy and his real name is Corbin. I have a whole other family I didn't even know about and we only came here to find a way to re-open the barrier." 

Lonnie slides closer giving me a side hug. Baze smiles warmly "Well how about some breakfast and we can answer any of your questions. Then we'll work out a way to convince the royal council to bring down the barrier."

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