Barrier warnings

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I put my books back in the locker and jump slightly when someone wraps their arms around my waist "How was your day love?" I grin turning to look at the pirate behind me "It was great. You?" he shrugs "Can't complain. Four new VK's around school, Fair Godmother had to leave our lesson to deal with one of them." I chuckle "I hope everything was alright." he shrugs "No one got hurt." I shake my head slightly shutting my locker.

I turn to face him leaning against my locker. He grins leaning down pressing his lips against mine. Reaching up I wrap my arms around his neck tangling my fingers in the hair on the back of his neck. He pulls away breathing heavily and grinning "I missed ya today." I grin trying to calm my racing heart "Missed you to." 

"Harry?" we both turn and I smile slightly letting my arms drop to my side "Hi Uma." she smiles slightly "Mal wants to talk to all of us." Harry grins taking my hand in his "Any idea what she wants?" Uma sighs "Nope, but she seemed tense." we reach Mal and Evie's room and knock once before entering.

Evie, Jay, Carlos, Gil, Mal and Ben are already their. Harry wraps his arms around my waist leaning his head on top of mine as well all stare at Ben. He frowns slightly "We have a problem. The royal council are considering closing the barrier." We all stare at him confused and Mal sighs "Hades tried to escape last time we opened the barrier and people are starting to panic. Especially some of the adults."

Evie frowns "They can't, what about all the other VK's. There's still so many." Ben sighs "We're fighting to keep it open. We promised all the VK's that they could go back when they please. My coronation is not till next month so I have very little power over the decision but I will keep fighting." he takes Mal's hand squeezing it "We all will." I frown "Is there no way of guaranteeing the safety of Auradon while keeping the barrier open?" 

Ben shakes his head "Not that we know of, but we will keep looking." Uma frowns "This is typical. The Vk's finally have a chance at a better life and your just going to take it away again?" Ben shakes his head frowning "No. I refuse to let that happen. There has to be another way." Mal smiles slightly kissing his cheek "Lets just hope we find another way fast."

Gil looks confused "What happens if you don't?" Uma scowls "We choose between here and the Isle, if they even give us the choice." he frowns "But I don't want to choose." Jay smiles slightly gripping his shoulder "Your not going to have to. This is our home now. Auradon can't kick us all out because of one little scare." the others nod slightly and Ben sighs "I'd better get back to the palace." he whispers something to Mal then leaves.

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