Council meeting

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"This is a terrible idea." I laugh gripping Audrey's hand "Of course it is, come on." we continue through the forest reaching the road "Audrey this is my Uncle Baze/Striker." she smiles slightly "Its nice to meet you." he bows his head slightly "Princess." he turns back to me "Is everything alright?"

I nod "Yes, the meeting starts in five minutes. Lonnie and Jane are currently distracting the guards and Ben is going to propose the idea of bringing back the Isle children. That is your cue to enter." he nods and we start leading him back through the trees towards the palace "So Audrey who are your parents?" she blanks and I sigh "Parents don't matter." he nods "Very true."

We reach the palace and walk through the open gates. The main doors open and Lonnie grins "Hey." we all walk inside and I point down the corridor "That's the council room." he nods slightly "What did you do to the guards." Lonnie shrugs "Jane has been practicing with her magic and Ben told them to report to one of the other council rooms where we may have locked the door." 

I laugh and Audrey holds out a stack of letters "These should help convince them." I turn to her concerned "Audrey are you sure? Your parents.." she sighs squaring her shoulders "They deserve what ever happens. I don't know how you forgave me but I can't forgive them for what they did." I nod slightly and reach out squeezing her hand gently. Baze takes the letters smiling "Thank you." 

He tucks them into his pocket "You three should get out of here. If things go wrong, I don't want you getting in trouble." after a pause I give him a small hug "Stay safe." he pats me on the back and we leave walking back towards our dorm.

Striker P/O/V:

Tucking my hands into my pockets I push open the door with my shoulder a picture of calm. "Sorry to intrude." the guards inside step forward but Ben holds up a hand "This is Baze Meyers he is here to back up my proposition." I shoot my brother a wink a young woman with fiery red hair at his side. I bow towards Aurora and Philip "Good to see you again your Majesty's." they both recoil keeping up a facade of shock.

I also bow towards Beast and his wife "My name is Baze Meyers, formally known as Striker. I have come to apologize for my actions and ask that you consider re-opening the barrier." I hold up my truth potion swallowing half "To prove I am not lying." I throw the remainder of the bottle to Fairy Godmother, she removes the lid sniffing it slightly "Truth potion?" 

I nod and grin "I was hired to kidnap Robin Hood and was bought over from the Isle by Princess Aurora and Prince Philip. I did as asked then returned to my family home, I grew bored and went back to what I used to do. Kidnap people. However when I was reunited with my youngest brother I realized I could change and returned everyone back to their homes safe and sound. I apologize for everything I caused and will accept all the consequences. But the children on the Isle are innocent, the conditions are not good."

Aurora lets out a light laugh "How do we know that potion works and you are not simply making all this up?" I sigh throwing the letters on the table "Those and you can always take some of the potion." Belle picks up the letters showing them to her husband who gapes "Where did you get these?" I smile slightly "They were given to me." 

Belle holds them out "These are your signatures?" Ben places his hands on the table "He speaks the truth." Beast sighs "He may be speaking the truth but the barrier is still a protector against villains." Robin smiles slightly "No one is born good or bad. Hero or villain. They are made as they grow up and everyone has the option to change and choose their own path." 

Ben nods "We vote. Everyone who wishes to raise the barrier raise a hand." Over half the room does so. The only ones refusing Aurora, Philip, Snow White, Charming, Cinderella and her husband. That doesn't surprise me much. Ben smiles brightly "It is decided then. The barrier will be re-opened."

Beast nods slightly "It is still dangerous. Those kids still caused mayhem." Ben frowns "You can't just select who comes and who doesn't." the King draws himself up to his full height "I am still King, you are young. They may be children but they were raised by their parents." Ben sighs "Their parents do not define them. Don't you think they deserve a better life. Who truly decides who is the villain and who is hero? Everyone has light and dark inside them as Aurora, Philip and Baze have proven." Belle places a hand on his arm "He's right." he nods slightly "I know, guards escort Philip and Aurora somewhere else." 

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