Dabihawks- Tummy ache

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{Hawks' POV}

Touya had called me to come to pick him up from the hideout. I didn't understand why until I got there. He was in his room playing with some random toy.

"Touya?" I said while closing the door. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Kego!" He said. I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. "Can we go to your house, Kego?" I nodded and he started grabbing some of his stuff. He put it in a backpack and put it on. He grabbed my finger and we left.

When we got to my apartment, Touya went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. He put his bag down as well. He pulled out some strawberries and grabbed a knife. I stood behind him and took the knife from him.

"You can't be using these, you're too little, baby,"  I said while kissing his cheek. He pouted a bit before moving out the way. I cut up some strawberries and put them in a bowl.

"Want some whipped cream or chocolate syrup? Or both?" I asked.

"Uh, both, pwease." I nodded and grabbed both. I covered the strawberries with chocolate and put the whipped cream on top. I handed him the bowl with a fork.

"Tanks, Kego." He said and sat on the floor.

"No problem, bud. How old are you?" I asked while crouching next to him.

"Five." He mumbled while eating his strawberries. I nodded and ruffled his hair. He finished his food and handed me the bowl so I put it in the sink.

"U-up up, Kego?" He mumbled while holding out his arms. I let out a small chuckle and picked him up. I took him to my room and sat on the bed with him on my lap. He put his face in the crook of my neck and relaxed a bit.


"Yes?" He giggled and held onto me.

"I luh you. (I love you.)" He mumbled.

"I love you too, baby boy," I said while playing with his hair. I grabbed the remote from the bed to put on some cartoons. I brought his badge in here with a feather and grabbed some toy for him to play with.

"Here, you can play with this." He took it and started playing with it while watching TV. Everything was fine until he started moving around and making sounds of discomfort.

"You okay?"  I asked. He shook his head and looked at me. "What's wrong, Touya?"

"Tummy hurt." He mumbled. I laid him down and got up. I moved his hair out of the way and kissed his forehead. He held his stomach and whined a little.

"Cuddles?" He said quietly. I smiled and laid next to him. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his stomach. He snuggled into me and played with one of my feathers. "Wuv you, Kego."

"Love you too, bud." I kissed his forehead then ran my hand through his hair. He giggled and looked up at me. I poked his nose which caused him to scrunch his nose.

"Kegoooo!" He said while giggling. He raised his hand and did the same to me which made me laugh. Then I ruffled his hair.

"Are you feeling any better, bub?" He nodded. I smiled, kissing him on the nose. We spent the rest of the day just playing around and watching TV.

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