L!Tsukki x L!Kags x CG!Karasuno- Picnic

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{Third Person POV}

The team was out at the park, just messing around, as teenagers do. Nishinoya and Tanaka were yelling and running around. Kiyoko and Yachi were sitting at a bench while eating ice cream. Kageyama was chasing Hinata. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were just talking near a tree. Sugawara and Daichi were just being sweet enough to rot your teeth as Asahi was being the third wheel, as per usual.

Everything seemed fine, though, there was a problem. Kageyama and Tsukishima were both close to slipping. Neither of them had a problem with slipping in front of the team, they were just scared to slip out in public.

"Pa- Sorry, Tadashi?" Tsukishima whispered which quickly caught Yamaguchi's attention. "Slippin. N I think Kags slippin too, he keeps stumblin n gigglin." Yamaguchi looked over at Kageyama and he was indeed slipping.

"Alright, let's round up the team. Sound good?" Yamaguchi suggested. Tsukishima nodded so they started getting the team together. Once everyone was in one place, Tsukishima and Kageyama had already fully regressed.

"You boys wanna tell us how old you are?" Kiyoko asked with a gentle smile. Kageyama held up one finger and Tsukishima held up three.

"Looks like Tsukki's big brother today, huh?" Tanaka said while ruffling Tsukishima's hair. Kageyama waddled over to Tsukishima and held his arm.

"Big bubba!" Kageyama babbled while shaking Tsukishima's arm. Tsukishima looked down at him with an adorable little grin then hugged him gently.

"Awww, look at you two. So adorable." Sugawara praised with a warm smile. Tsukki smiled and covered his face while Kageyama ran over to Sugawara.

"Su-Su! Kiss kiss?" Kageyama babbled while flapping his hands. Sugawara laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Fankies!" Kageyama giggled. "Daddy, huggies!" He said while holding his arms out towards Hinata.

"C'mere, baby boy!" Hinata said while wrapping his arms around the other. Kageyama exploded in giggles.

"Papa, I wan' hug too," Tsukishima whined while pouting slightly. Yamaguchi quickly went up to Tsukishima and gave him a big hug.

"You boys wanna go play? Mommy and I will play with you guys." Yachi suggested nervously. Kiyoko agreed with the suggestion. Kageyama and Tsukishima were incredibly excited with the suggestion and ran to the playground. Kiyoko, Yachi, Hinata, and Yamaguchi quickly followed.

The rest of the team stayed behind so they could prepare a little picnic. Thankfully, they were planning to have a picnic anyway. The boys and girls played for about thirty minutes till the boys got bored. They went back to the rest of the team and sat on the large blanket. Sugawara and Asahi finished setting the food up just as they sat down.

"Baba!" Kageyama babbled while reaching for his bottle. Nishinoya let out a small laugh then handed the bottle to him. Kageyama said a small thank you before enjoying his bottle.

"Here you go, Tsukki," Yamaguchi said while handing a sandwich to the other. The team ate and played with the boys until it was time to go home.

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