Tetsukami- Lunch

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Kaminari with tics, ADHD, and some quirk drawback side effects and his lovely boyfriend helping them.

Italics are vocal tics.

Obviously, CW for tics. A little bit of swearing too.

{Third Person POV}

It was the middle of lunch, the cafeteria was full of talking, laughter, and dishes clanking. Today was a bad tic day for Denki though, he drank some coffee early this morning and the caffeine was really hitting them. Denki knew he was bound to have a tic attack soon, he was just hoping it could wait until after school. Though, that didn't seem to be happening. He was having a hard time using his chopsticks due to his fingers currently being numb and it sure was pissing him off.

"Goddammit!" Denki exclaimed angrily while pushing the chopsticks on the floor.

"The hell is wrong with you, spark plug?" Bakugo asked, a bit of concern clear in his tone. Denki normally didn't get so angry over things like that so everyone was slightly concerned.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Deez nuts! " He laughed awkwardly while rubbing his neck. They ended up hitting himself in the head.

"Ooh yikes, man. You good? You seem to not be doing that well today." Sero said while bending over to pick up the fallen chopsticks.

"Yeah, yeah, I swear I'm fine. It's just one of those days. I just forgot to take my medication and it's too late now so I'm kinda stuck like this for now." He mumbled with a loud "yip-yip" at the end. He exhaled angrily and pouted, whining quietly.

"Alright, if you say so, bro. Want me to go get Tetsu?" Kirishima offered, already beginning to stand. Kaminari shrugged before putting his face in the rice and beginning to eat. Kirishima went off to go look for his friend.

After a short while, Kirishima came back with Tetsutetsu. He let out a soft chuckle as he saw Denki's face in the bowl of rice. He placed his hand on the other's back gently while saying his name.

"Wow! Oh, hi, Tetsu. Oh boy! " Denki greeted while lifting his head. He had quite a bit of rice around his mouth.

"Hey, babe. You doing alright? We can go back to your dorm, I'm sure I'll be able to get us excused." Denki shook his head. Tetsu nodded before taking a napkin and wiping his face off. He sat at the table next to his boyfriend and kept an arm around his waist as Denki leaned on him. After a short while, Denki's tics just got worst. They knew he wasn't gonna be able to even go to class later.

"Mwah, kiss me! Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to go to class- yip! -for the rest of the- arf, arf! -day." Denki grumbled, clearly not in a good mood at all. He let out a long "boop" as a poked Tetsu's cheek for about five seconds.

"Yeah, that's totally fine! Make sure you're safe, Denks." Mina said with a comforting smile. Denki nodded and returned the smile. Tetsu and Denki got up from their seats.

"Better take care of him, metal man," Bakugo said in a somewhat threatening tone. Everyone laughed as Tetsu reassured everyone that he'd certainly be taking care of his boyfriend.

"Rawr! " Denki yelped in a high-pitched, child-like tone while holding his hands up, fingers twitching since they couldn't bend completely at the moment. The rest laughed and awed at the other, causing Denki to laugh a little as his cheeks began to turn pink. He had begun regressing and it was clear, he was holding onto Tetsu's shirt and his laugh turned into a giggle. 

"Alright, we're gonna get out of here. Someone tell Kendou to tell Vlad that I'm gonna be out." And with that, Denki and Tetsu left. Denki's knees end up giving out a couple of times due to his tics on the way there so Tetsu just carried them on his back.

"And we've arrived at your castle, my lovely prince," Tetsu said while setting Denki on the bed. Denki let out a loud giggle in return as his head jerked as all sparks flew off his body. "Let's get you changed, yeah?" Denki nodded and started taking off his blazer. 

Tetsu grabbed a hoodie, shorts, and some knee-high socks then helped the other change. Though, it was quite challenging since Denki was ticcing so much. But eventually, it got done. Denki had one of his bee stuffies, a necklace with a chewie, and a rattle. All of the things they had normally helped with their tics. Plus, they were funny to stim with.

"Woohoo! Mwah, kiss me! Arf! " Denki ticced loudly while scrunching his face, but he giggled at it. Tetsu laid down on the bed as Denki laid next to him, snuggling up close and keeping his chewie in his mouth.

"You feeling alright, baby boy?" Tetsu asked while rubbing the other's back. Denki nodded and held onto Tetsu's arm. He smiled and planted a kiss right on Denki's forehead before talking about random things to distract his baby.

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