Haikyuu HCs #3

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Age ranges from 3-7.

Doesn't really like pacis so he uses chewies/teethers.

Usually listens well, sometimes gets an attitude with his CG(s) and gets a smart mouth.

Doesn't do much stuff that requires a lot of thinking since he works/studies so much as is.

Regresses to catch a break and not be working/studying so much.

He often regresses after/during sensory overloads. (HC him as autistic) Also regresses after stressful meetings or days at school/practice. Also when his schedule gets messed up and he can't handle it well.

Doesnt mind nap/bed time at all, unless she's CG(s) can't cuddle with him. Then he might throw a fit.

Doesn't throw fits much, just whines and pouts.

Goes semi or completely nonverbal  while small most of the time.


Age ranges from 2-10.

Doesn't regress all that often, mainly when he really needs a break or he's around others that are regressed. (As long as there's other CGs there of course.)

I don't think he really uses pacis either. If anything, he'll just suck on his thumb for a short period of time.

Drinks a lot of milk, whether it be angel milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, or just regular cold milk.

Will just wander around wherever he is, especially in stores if he's not holding his CG's hand.

Will randomly give his CG(s) random little gifts that are just really weird objects and he'll get super excited about it.

He doesn't always like physical contact like cuddling but sometimes he'll get super clingy.


Age ranges from 3-6.

He regresses after long days at work/school/practice.

Sugawara is his main CG.

He really likes paw patrol, that's his favorite cartoon to watch.

Likes helping his CG with anything, even if he's just standing there next to them.

He doesn't baby talk much, but he does get his words mixed up a lot.

Is very, very dramatic sometimes. Exaggerates almost everything.


His age ranges from 2-11.

Regresses for fun and to kinda forget about all the bullying and everything else that happened from his childhood.

Very, very playful. Makes a game out of practically everything.

Very energetic and loud, hard to get them to sleep.

He uses pacis but mainly when he's sleeping or sad. Besides that, he uses teethers.

Listens to music/sings a lot, often makes his CG(s) dance and sing along.

He's very clingy, needs to be touching his CG(s) or be around them at all times or he will get sad and lonely.

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