Ushiten- Shared Interest

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Gender fluid Tendou going by he/they/she with ADHD as well as autistic Ushijima.


{Ushijima's POV}

Tendou and I were hanging out at my house since I was home alone. He was rambling on about something she was interested in, occasionally slurring and messing up on words. Soon enough, their words turned into babbling.

"I slipped, dada." Tendou babbled with a small smile. I nodded and patted his head before getting up.

"I'm going to get you some clothes to change into." He said a small okay so I went to my closet and grabbed some clothes. I helped them change, though he kept messing around.

"Tendou, please be still." He giggled and finally let me finish changing them. She was just wearing a large hoodie and some socks.

"How old are you?" I asked while sitting back down on my bed.

"Three!" I nodded then grabbed a small bag he kept here full of stuff for this occasion. I gave him his pacifier and two toys.

"You otay to cuddle right nows, dada?" He asked before putting his pacifier in her mouth. I thought about it for a moment before holding out my arm.

"You can hold my arm," I replied. She grinned and held my arm. He gently rocked back and forth while babbling some meme they've been saying all week.

"Tendou, we should go eat some lunch. It's 1 pm. Then we can watch something on the TV or play games." I said while getting up. They whined a bit before getting up and walking with me to the kitchen. I heated some leftovers we had.

"Would you like water or tea?" I asked.

"Tea, please." He responded while playing with one of their stuffed animals. I nodded and put some iced tea in a sippy cup. I took the stuffed animal and set it on the side so he could eat her food.

He was having some trouble using the chopsticks so I helped her eat. Once we finished eating, we went back up to my room.

"We can play a game or watch something on the TV. Which would you like to do?" They thought for a moment before choosing a game.

"What do you want to play then?" He got up, went to my closet, then came out with a volleyball.

"Ball!" They giggled out before running out of the room. I quickly followed him out to my backyard. She was bouncing up and down by the time I got there. They seemed very excited and so was I.

"Receives, dada?" They suggested. I flapped my hands while nodding.

"Heck yeahs!" She babbled before throwing the ball in the air. I received the ball with my wrists and passed it back to him. We played outside like this for a little bit until it started getting dark and a little cold.

"We should go back inside now, Tendou," I said while catching the ball and holding it under my arm.

"Buh I wan play some more!" They whined. I shook my head and held my hand out.

"We can play tomorrow." He sighed then quickly held my hand before we went inside. We both took quick showers before getting in bed.

"Dada? Can we cuddle?" She asked happily while looking at me. I nodded and held them in my arms. We went to sleep shortly afterward.

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