T w e n t y F o u r

105 3 1

Chase's POV
Homecoming was this weekend, the match on Friday and the dance on Saturday. I was extremely happy to be kept busy by practice cause I wasn't thinking about my brother's situation. My week was literally sleep, school, practice, eat, repeat. I didn't even spend time with Lia which was the only thing making me feel bad. I spent some time with Ivy tho, since she was on the cheerleading team, I talked with her during breaks and in the afternoon after practice. People noticed rather quickly and gossip started spreading, they thought we were secretly dating or something. I didn't think Ophelia would pay much attention but apparently she did. I tried talking to her on Wednesday aka yesterday bug she completely ignored me.

Today was the last afternoon practice before the homecoming game. It got extremely rainy after 45 minutes or so and they left but I stayed. I texted Lia.

Meet me on the football field.

I waited underneath the bleachers until I saw a small figure coming towards the field.

O: Chase are you crazy? You're soaking wet! You're going to get s-

I cut her off by pulling her by her waist and kissing her passionately in the middle of the field, under the heavy rain. She responded after a few seconds and she ran her fingers through my wet hair. We were both soaking wet but to be honest, we didn't care. We broke the kiss to take a breath and our eyes met even tho we could barely see through the heavy rain.

C: I missed you.
O: I missed you too.
C: Why didn't you talk to me?
O: Because I was...jealous?
C: Why?
O: You spent your whole week with Ivy. It felt weird going home alone.
C: Well, I'm sorry. But you could've told me how you felt.
O: I didn't want to seem clingy.
C: You could never be clingy.
O: You never know.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

O: Anyway, if you wanna play tomorrow without pneumonia you should go inside and change.

We walked together to the locker room and I changed in some sweatpants and a jersey of mine. I gave Ophelia one of my spare hoodies since hers was soaking wet and we left.
We got home and no one was there, not even my brother or that other guy who came with him. Who was he anyway? His boyfriend or something?

C: Do you know who that guy is? The guy who came with Blake.
O: His name is Jax Black, another gang member. From what he has told me the gang, "Black Diamonds" is actually his. His father was the leader but when he was 15 both his parents died in a car crash. He couldn't keep up with the whole leading the gang thing and thankfully he met Blake when he was 16 and he took the place until he was ready.
C: Huh...have you talked with him?
O: Yeah, the days when the boomers were at work and you were at practice I chatted a bit with them.
C: Well don't get too attached Lia, they're dangerous.
O: Not so much, they're decent.
C: Babe, they're not dangerous themselves, they attract danger.
O: I'm not going to even try and change your mind.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her own around my neck.

C: We're alone shouldn't we take advantage of that?

We went upstairs to my bedroom and pushed her against my door. I started kissing and biting her neck and I was holding her face in place by her jaw. We were making out until we broke it to take a breath. We suddenly heard the front door close with such a loud bang that we thought the door fell down.
We fixed ourselves and rushed downstairs and saw Blake panicking and pacing back and forth and the other guy, Jack or whatever his name is
Its Jax
Not the time Bob

C: What the fuck went up your ass now?
B: I tried to keep them away! I'm sorry I really tried but-
C: Who to keep away dammit?
B: I'm sorry..

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him onto the wall.

C: Who the fuck found you dammit?
B: The rivals! They're here in London.

Oof hey people
I'm writing this in class during French and yeet.
So who are the rivals and why do they chase Blake around?
Comment your thoughts and vote!
Dont be a ghost reader!👻
See ya peeps!

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