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No no no- God fucking dammit mum.

C: Well hello there Lia, glad to see you.
O: Can't relate Chase

Let me introduce you to Chase fucking Campbell. Known him since I can remember myself. He's been in my class since day 1 of school. He was genuinely a good friend of mine and I had a crush on him for quite a while. Okay quite a LOT of time. But then we went to High school and he became the hot bad boy of the school. He's the main member of the "Fire Trio". Chase Campbell, Jake Miller and Axel Miller. Axel and Jake are twins but they're NOTHING alike inside or out. Jake is the more of the softie bad boy even tho he puts up a bad image for himself to look "tough" and Axel is just the heartbroken-turned into a heartbreaker bad boy.
Chase as I said is the leader if you can call him like that if the Trio. He's a player but if catches feelings he'll do anything to win the girl over.

He's also a gentleman if he wants to be, you forgot that one.

Okay Skylar sure whatever you say.

B: So, um Chase show Ophelia her room
C: Sure dad. Come with me Neptune

Neptune is my middle name. You could say that my mom is obsessed with space and astronomy. I lowkey like my middle name, it's... unique?
But in primary school everyone made fun of me about it they said it sound boy-ish. That's also the reason Chase and I came closer. He said he likes my middle name but he knows I still don't want to be called Neptune.

He calls me Neptune whenever he wants to mess with me and sometimes it works? Bridget Williams aka The Bitch of the school who is 24/7 behind Chase always makes fun of my name but let's just say that I don't give a single fuck about her opinion. She's too fake (literally) to even acknowledge that doll.

C: So Neptune, we'll be siblings how do you feel about that?
O: I'm so happy Chasey you're the nicest person on earth and it's so pleasant to have you in the same house" I said ironically and he chuckled.
C: Oh Lia we'll have so much fun.

He said that while getting closer.

C: As siblings of course.

He backed out fast and he winked at me.

O: Let the fun begin then Chasey.

I smiled at him and closed the door behind me.
I still can feel his presence on the other side and my feeling got confirmed when he chuckled again and left.

Ugh mom why me?

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