T h r e e

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I woke up from such a crazy dream. Me and Chase were in a relationship while my mom and his dad were still together and they announced their engagement and I woke up weirded out. Like really what the hell is up with my brain?

I know... what the hell. Me and Chase? Pfff!

"Yeah because it would be HORRIBLE if you and Chase were together."

Uh duh?

In anyway it was almost noon and I went downstairs for breakfast and didn't find anyone except the spawn of devil himself. No offense Brandon.

O: Where's my mom and your dad?
C: Oh they went for an urgent trip
O: What?! When?! Where?! How?!
C: Wow you know English grammar!
O: Haha very funny Chasey. But seriously when?
C: Last night at 5 am. It was really urgent so they just left a note. And before you ask how long they said it'll take about a month.
O: A what? A month from my precious summer break in a house alone with you?!

"As if you don't like the idea"
You like it Skylar. Not me.

C: What Lia? Is it that tempting to be home alone with me for a month?

He was coming closer...and closer. Did I mention he smelled amazing? No?

C: What is it Lia? Cat got your tongue? Or should I say my hand?

And he put his hand on my waist... did I also mention that I JUST woke up and my brain is starting to work fast too suddenly? Yup I did.

C: N-no? Why w-would you think that?

O: Oh I don't know Lia. You tell me.

He whispered the last part in my ear and licked his lips. And god I was feeling his breath on my neck. Chase freaking Campbell I hate your guts.

Something I noticed about Chase, he's calling me Lia whenever he wants to seduce me? Or just sweet talk me into things. He always did that since kindergarten. I remember I had skittles once with me and he was calling me Lia until I gave him some.

C: And why do you shiver when I touch you?

He trailed the skin on my arm with his fingertips still whispering in my ear.

O: Um cause you have a cold heart?

With all of my power and will I separated us and went back upstairs.

I sat down and tried to realize what the hell happened downstairs. But then I got a text.

Hey Ophelia.

Excuse me? Do I know you?

More than you think.

Okay creepy.

Are you from my school?
Or what am I saying? You're probably a pedophile.

Hahaha funny Lia.
But yes I am from your school and no I'm not a pedophile. I'm 17.


Okay... send me proof.

Oh that's how it's called now? Proof?


Nothing Lia, nothing.
So how has your day been so far?

Fine I guess
Wait why am I even talking to you you're for sure a 50 year old man.

Okay okay I'll send proof.

*Unknown sent you a photo*



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what can i understand by this? ITS JUST A HAND MAN

She long dead

But what's your name?

It's gonna stay a secret Lia.

*Ophelia changed your nickname to "Poopoohead"*

Oh my...
You did not.
Poopoohead? Seriously? How old are you 5?

Maybe :)

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Who is this unknown guy?

Find out in chapter 4.

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