T w e n t y T h r e e

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Chase's POV
That bastard can't be back. He left as soon as he got the chance. He hasn't talked to me or our dad for 4 years, he couldn't care less about us.

C: That can't be true.
Mr S: I'm afraid it is. He came back to hide.

Obviously. He wouldn't come back for us. He's hiding from someone. My brother was fucked up. Well, we both are, the Campbells have always been fucked up since mum passed away. I was 4 years old at the time at least then I couldn't really understand what was going on, but Blake? It hit him hard. He never got over her death. When he graduated 4 years ago he left immediately without a single goodbye, he was just...gone. Eventually we learnt that he went to America to "study" but he ended up getting into a gang. Last time I heard of him he became the leader of the Black Diamonds or something like that. If he came back to London it was obviously to hide from someone, not to have some family bonding time with us.

C: How does my father know?
Mr S: He came to your house, he's staying with you.
C: You're kidding me right?
Mr S: I wish I was.

He'll put us in danger. He'll put Lia in danger.

C: Whatever, thanks for telling me.

I got up and rushed back to class. There were 10 minutes left so I just waited outside for Lia. When she got out I grabbed her wrist, harder than I intended and pulled her with me to the corner of the school and I headed to the white oak tree.

O: Chase what's wrong?

I didn't respond, I just continued dragging her.

O: Chase it hurts let me go!

She yanked her hand from my grip as soon as we got to the tree and rubbed her wrist. I looked at her and then to the ground, regret written all over my eyes and her angry expression faded away.

O: What's wrong? What did he tell you?

I just hugged her so tightly, afraid to let her go. She was taken aback by my sudden hug but she hugged me back. I was afraid. Afraid that I'd lose her. I'd lose her all over again but at a whole other level. That she'd be really gone. She stroked my hair and I lost strength and my legs gave up. She kneeled down with me and still hugged me but she couldn't help but have a questionable expression on her face. I pulled away from the hug and she cupped my face to look at her.

O: What happened?
C: Blake, he's back.
O: Blake, as in your brother Blake?
C: Yeah.
O: Isn't that good?
C: Well, the thing is that he is in a gang. The leader to be precise.
O: A what?
C: Yeah, he came back to hide.
O: To hide? From who?
C: A rival, I don't know.
O: Is he home?
C: Yes, Lia I'm concerned. If they go after me, you, my father... I don't want you to be in danger.
O: Everything's going to fine. Blake probably has it all under control.
C: How do you know that? We're talking about gangs here.
O: I know your brother tho. Blake would never expose us to danger.
C: I hope so, cause if not I'll kill him myself.

The rest of day went by so slowly. My mind was darting off to my brother and the whole gang bullshit. We finally went home and we walked into the living room. Our parents were there, my brother and another guy who I've never seen in my life. Blake stood up and walked up to me, expecting me to hug him. Is he really that stupid? All the gang shit aside, this bastard left me alone. When he left my whole life went to shit. He was my best friend and he left me, he was no longer there to help me or just do stupid shit with me as all older brothers do. I got over it, it was hard, but I told myself that he's not my brother anymore.

Bl: Hello brother, I missed you.

I looked at him with a blank expression and saw Ophelia from the corner of my eye. Anger. It was all that ran through my veins at that moment. Without even blinking I punched him hard.

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