T w e n t y o n e

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Ophelia's POV

Tuesday passed so quickly and it was Wednesday already. Today Ivy and her parents comes back to UK and I was skipping school so I could go to the airport with my mum to them up. Chase on the other hand went to school, much to his protest, and we were texting on the way to the airport.

J:Chase grew very fond of you. I think he actually likes you Nept.
O: What? Why would you think that? He doesn't-
J: Neptune, you're my only daughter and I've known the boy all his life, well minus three years. I think I can tell if he likes you. Oh and Chase? Oh boy, he has liked you for 14 years.
O: Has it been 14 years since I met him? I feel old.

I was trying to change the subject but not much to my luck.

J: You know... I think he likes you more than just his stepsister.
O: What? Nooo...
J: Ophelia.
O: Mother.
J: Okay then, so I guess you're a perfect match for siblings.

I cringed at the word "siblings" but I didn't say anything.
For the rest of the ride I listened to music and started thinking, my mum didn't sound disapproving, she sounded...glad? But in the moment my instant reaction was to deny everything but maybe, just maybe, I could have told her. I mean as my father said she is pretty opened minded and also is not as if we share the same DNA all of a sudden. I snapped out of my thoughts when my mum pulled up and parked in the airport parking lot.
We waited at the arriving gates for about 15 minutes and I was checking every blonde headed girl that passed through. When I finally saw her I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

O: I can't believe you're actually here!
I: Me neither!

We broke the hug and my aunt came in for a hug.

A(nnalise): How's my favorite niece?
O: Very well, now that you're back.
H(arry): Is there a hug left for the old man?
O: Of course uncle Harry. By the way where are you two staying?
H: At a hotel I don't wanna bother my dear sister too much.
J: Good thinking bro.
O: Mum, you're not cool.

Me, Ivy and aunt Annalise sat in the back. Me and Ivy were talking about gossip, USA and well, boys while the three boomers were engaged in their own conversation. My phone vibrated from a text, and of course it was from Chase but thankfully his name wasn't displayed at the top so Ivy didn't know who it was.

I: Who is this? He told you "I love you".
O: No one?
I: Come on Neptune!
O: It's no one. Just my best friend playing.
I: Huh, okay then...

When we got back, school was already over and Chase was home.

C: Well well well, if it's not Ivy Fray herself.
I: Hello there, Chase Campbell.
C: Ready to own the school again?
I: I don't know if I'll own it but I'll sure as hell knock Bridget off her feet.
C: That's the spirit.
I: Anyway, I'd love to chit chat some more but I'll go take a nap, I've been travelling for 12 hours.
C: Your room is down the hall on the left!
I: Thanks Campbell!

She went upstairs and my mum went to take her parents to their hotel and maybe go for a coffee with aunt Annalise.
Chase pulled me into a hug and whispered into my hair.

C: I missed you so much today.
O: I missed you too.
C: By the way, I kinda, maybe-
O: What?
C: I might of put your name on the Homecoming Queen list?
O: What?! Really?
C: Yeah
O: I was going to ask if you're on the list but you're on top of it.
C: Oh shut it.
O: Make me.

He leaned down and kissed me, I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged on it slightly.

O: We should put Ivy's name too, so Bridget won't win.
C: And who said that you won't win? You will make Bridget loose.
O: Well just to be sure. And not everyone likes me.
C: Don't be foolish.
O: Am not. Anyway, I'll go rest now. I love you.
C: I love you too.

I kissed him one more time and I went upstairs.
I took a long nap and afterwards I did my homework. I called Steph and told him to come over since anyway he lived right around the corner. When he got here he came straight into my room.

S: Hey there Neptunium!
O: Hi.

He noticed I had a frown on my face and he sat across me on the bed.

S: What's wrong?
O: Nothing, just sad I don't know why.
S: Nept, you always have a reason.
O: It's just. You know me and Chase have-
S: Yep.
O: And I love h-
S: Mhm I know.
O: Should I tell my mum?
S: Why not? Jocelyn is the most open minded mum I know. She wouldn't judge or disapprove.
O: I think so too but wouldn't it be weird? Ya know them being married and me and Chase ya know, be together?
S: Nah you're not related what so ever. Who cares? If you really do love eachother then go for it.

We hang out a little more and he left since it was getting late and it was a school night. I went to sleep still thinking if I should tell my mum or not.

The sun hit my face and I woke up with a massive headache. I got up and went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I looked in the mirror, I looked like a fucking ghost, I was pale as if someone drained me of blood. I felt my stomach take a turn and I was within seconds above the toilet puking my guts out. I though about what I could've ate to make me so sick or whatever. I puked more and my stomach started to hurt so bad from all the vomiting. How better way to start my morning?

What's wrong with me?

Hey peeps!
Whats wrong with Ophelia?
Will she tell her mum?
How's Ivy's first day back is going to be?
Comment your thoughts and vote!
Dont be a ghost reader!👻
See ya next chapter!

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