Thunder Claps

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The kids were currently in the SwAG classroom, divided into two teams, boys and girls. Ray was reading off questions, and it all looked like a scene from Jeopardy.
"Next question. What is the one thing the Chapa will be blamed for in the future, causing her death?" Ray asked. Harper rolled her eyes, buzzing in.
"What is getting married?" Harper asked. Chapa started cracking up,  not even able to look anyone in the eyes.
"Is the correct answer! Next! What will Bose do that will constantly get him blamed?" Harper smiled, buzzing in again.
"What is knocking up Mika?" Harper asked. Bose groaned as Mika laughed.
"The correct answer. True or False. Miles will be lonely forever." Ray announced, Miles slammed the button.
"What is False!" Miles yelled. Ray smirked.
"Oh. Wrong answer. It was yeah."
Ray sassed causing the others to break out laughing. Miles shook his head.
"Next. How many people has Harper murdered?" Ray asked, Harper buzzing in.
"What is 52! Unless you count that one boat that I sank. Then I think it was 58."
Ray shook his head.
"Correct. Beware she is a murder." Ray exclaimed, everyone except Chapa taking a step away from her. Chapa actually stepped closer to her. Harper started laughing, scaring everyone.
"Next. How many times has Harper and Mika broken a window?" Ray asked. Mika buzzed in.
"What is 10 times. And I only broke a window once. The rest is Harper!" Mika snitched.
"Snitch! Give her a letter!" Harper yelled, pulling up the snitch board. Ray smirked as he added a 'C' to Mikas snitch board. Harper, Chapa, and Miles and no letters. Bose had an 'S' while Mika had 'SNITC'.
Harper laid with Chapa snuggled into her side. The girls just got back from shopping, to saythe least that Bose was oddly over protective of Mika today was an understatement. Mikas head was against Boses shoulder, while she laid on top of his chest. This kind of affection was rare. Chapa gave Harper several nudges, before giving her cheek a poke. Harper was out cold. Chapa whined as she continued to poke and prod Harper. Chapa got more and more worried, before a tired groan was heard from Harper.
"Five more minutes sweetie." Rocky jumped onto Harper and licked her cheek earning a laugh. Chapa decided 'what the heck!'and licked Harpers cheek to. This time, it didn't feel right.
"Chapa? Did you just lick me?" Harper asked. Chapa nodded, a sly smirk on her face. Harper broke out laughing, while Ray walked in looking concerned.
"So to get my attention you lick my cheek. Is that how it is now?" Harper asked earning a nod.
Harper stormed into the SwAG classroom, interrupting a Ken Burns documentary.
Harper screamed.
"Language!" Ray yelled back.
"I'm so sorry Captain Obvious! WHOM THE FREAK BROKE MY LAPTOP?!" Harper screamed again. The sky outside got oddly dark.
"Bose? Sweet Bosey? Do you know who broke my laptop dear? You know I love my laptop. I can't live without it Bose." Harper sneered, in an evilly kind voice.
"B-But you will hurt me if I tell you." Bose stuttered. Harper placed a hand on his shoulder, a tactic Piper taught her.
"Bose. I would never hurt you. Just tell me who broke my laptop. I won't be mad at you."
Harper whispered. Bose locked eyes with Harper.
"Miles broke your laptop." Bose snitched. Harper swung around and growled. Thunder boomed outside, lightning flashing.
"MILES MACKLIN! IM GONNA KICK YOUR BUTT UNTIL IT BLEEDS!" Harper screeched, two huge electric balls forming in her hands Harper swung her arms, and shot Miles. Miles got up off the ground covered in soot.
"I thought you said you wouldn't hurt anyone!" Bose asked.
"I said wouldn't hurt you."
This happened several times the past week. This time, someone dropped Harpers phone in the toilet.
"WHO DROPPED MY PHONE IN THE TOILET!" Harper screamed at the team. Chapa looked down, before breaking.
"Okay! I did. I wanted to go on Twitflash and I was in your bathroom and you left your phone on your sink so I grabbed it and fumbled it and it fell in the toilet!" Chapa cried. The claps of thunder got louder as Harper grabbed Chapa by her arm, and dragged her to the couch, and bent her over her knee.
"Count to ten, Chapa." Harper ordered. Chapa nodded before letting out a pained cry, and Harpers electric hand came down and smacked her butt. Chapa cried.
"Three! Ow that hurts stop please Harpy!"
Harper finished spanking Chapa, and gave her a hug.
"Don't you dare drop my phone in the toilet again, okay?" Harper ordered. Chapa was balling her eyes out, having been electrocuted and spanked at the same time.
"I p-p-promise!" She cried out. Harper stood up, and left towards the door.
"I'm gonna go put my phone in a POOL OF RICE!" She screamed walking away. Chapa continued to cry as she felt the pain in her butt, not even being able to sit down. The thunder clapped louder and louder, until a scream came from Harpers room, Rocky running for dear life.
"ROCKY LEE MANCHESTER! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO EAT MY LIP BALM. WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOURE GOING RIGHT TO YOUR CAGE!" Harper screamed at the top of her lungs, Rocky curling up on Chapas lap for protection. This would only be the start of Harpers thunder issues.

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