Chapter 41

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Lately, Draco's been... weird. Like now. He's talking to Blaise in the corner of the common room. Not even talking. More like whispering. And he's been very... cuddly with me. He's been like this since my episode ended.

He's been doing that everyday since my episode. He's planning something. But I've no clue what it is.

What if he's going to break up with me?!

No, that would never happen...


I mean... He wouldn't break up with me if he's being more cuddly and lovey-dovey.

I look up at the clock. It's almost six. I put my essay down and stand, stretching my back. "Draco, Blaise, we should go down for dinner." 

They look up at me and nod. "We'll be down in a second, Harry," Draco says. I nod and go down with Hermione.

"Harry, have you finished your essay yet?" Hermione asks once we sit down. I shake my head.

"You should really get that done mate, or else she's going to be forcing us to go on her ten hour long study sessions," Ron jokes. I smile.

"Guys, exams are in three days. This is no joking matter! These exams could determine our future! What are you going to do Ron?"

"I've got no idea."

Hermione snorts and turns to me. "Harry, you'd better know what you want to do, or-"

"I know, Hermione, I know. You'll ring my neck. I know what I want to do, so chill."

"We all know what you want to do, Hare. Auror, since you were like fourteen," Ron says with a mouth full. 


They both gawk at me.

"What?! You've been taking those classes just so you could be an auror!" Hermione exclaims.

"Yeah, well I think I've risked my life enough. I just want to settle. I'll get a job at a bookstore or something, but if worse comes to worse I have my parents money and Sirius' money, and I'm selling that stupid old house," I say.

"Sirius' house? But-"

"He hated that house. He would've wanted me to sell it. I'm not keeping that money for myself. Since it's a hidden house, already has the wards, and a house elf, once I clean it up a bit it should sell for decent money. Merlin knows Remus needs a new house, have you guys seen it?" They both shake their heads as I think back to the tiny run down cottage.

"Of course I'm going to keep some of his stuff, like the photos, trophies, maybe some of his clothes, but I can't hold onto it forever. Remus is going to help me with it. He's going to keep some stuff, too."

"How are you going to buy a house then?"

"I have the entire Black family fortune. If I wanted I could sit around doing nothing all day, really."

After my last visit to Gringotts, I realized I could if I really wanted to, considering I'm almost a millionaire with how much money I have that I didn't know about. After buying that house me and Draco want, I'll probably donate to charities or something. Help people. 

Draco and Blaise arrive and sit. Draco next to me, Blaise next to Draco. Draco wraps and arm around my waist and kisses my neck.

Yeah... He wouldn't break up with me... I hope...

"What're you guys talking about?" Blaise asks.

"What we're going to do after Hogwarts. Draco?"

"Oh, um... I want to go into pediatric care with St. Mungos."

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