Chapter 22

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Harry curls into my side, ignoring the surrounding noise of people and the storm outside. He's been getting better at the same time of getting worse, with Halloween crawling closer and everything. "Hare, it's almost two in the morning. You have to get to bed."

"I can't sleep. You go to bed, if you want." He replies stubbornly. I let out a groan, knowing I wasn't going to win this round. "Hare, please?" I beg.






"Why are you so stubborn?"


"Harry James, go to sleep."

"No, mum."

I let out a sigh as Harry turned away from me. "Hare, don't be like that. I know what today is, I know why your like this."

"No you don't." His emotion changes in an instant, and he sounds irritated. "You're parents aren't dead. You didn't have to be the golden boy for his entire life, so don't even start with any of that shit. Everyone does it."

"Okay, chill."

"I'm not like this because my parents are dead, so tell me why I'm like this, Draco." He moves to sit up on his knees and looks me dead in the eyes. "I... I don't know. Tell me, then. Why are you so, so like this?"

"So fucking depressed? Because, Draco. This was the day that my life ended, when I got shipped off to those god-awful Dursley's, and it is just a huge ass reminder of everything they put me through."

"Oh." I hadn't even thought of that, but then again it makes sense. I'm like that too, during winter holiday, because that was the first time I got raped. "Yeah. That's why I'm not sleeping."


"All I can think about is them, if I sleep, it's just going to be so much worse." He doesn't sound as agitated now, which is good I guess. "What about dreamless sleep-"

"Don't work anymore. My system is way too used to them now. You can go to bed, I don't care. Just let me stay here." He curls into my side again, signaling he doesn't want to talk anymore. But, that's not happening. "Harry sit up. Now."

I can tell he's shocked, but he does it anyway. "Now. How has Phoebe been going?" I ask. "Okay."

"Has something happened other than today being what it is?" He shakes his head. "What calms you down?" I tilt his head so he's looking at me. "Well, I would be a lot calmer without this stupid storm."

"Then come on. We're going out." I pull his arm so he's standing, and drag him out of our room. He starts tugging, but I keep my grip just as tight. "We'll go to the R.O.R.." We walk in silence, and I still drag him the entire way. We go to our room we always have, and sit on the soft couch. "Tell me what's wrong, details, not some short shit. I want to know what is wrong." My tone sounds demanding without it meaning to.

Harry starts crying suddenly, surprising me. "I don't know. I swear, I'm just like this. Or... Ron, he won't talk to me and I don't know why, but he glares at me now, and Ginny glares at me too, and now the stupid potions won't work so I can't sleep at night and our dorm is so fucking hot and clothes are itchy, and my grades are slipping in almost every class especially potions. You're going to leave me and I don't know... I just want everything to stop."

"Oh Hare, honey... You think to much..." I reach my arms around him and rub his back. "When did all this overload?"

"Like two days ago, I was just so stressed and everything feels wrong and hot and itchy and wrong and uncomfy," He mutters into my shoulder. "Oh baby, your just having a bad time, right? Nothing really happened, did it?"

"I do think about the abuse more now, but other than that not really, no." I feel him shake his head in my shoulder. "What do you mean itchy?"

"I dunno, clothes are just really uncomfortable right now..."

"Come here." I pick him up and move us to the bed. "If you want, we can spend the night here, and the room will cool down by itself. If you want pajamas or not, I don't care." Harry tensed, and I immediately knew why. "I will never, ever, do anything to you. It is entirely your choice. Yours." Unexpectedly, he takes his shirt off. "I trust you." Is all he says before he shimmies out of his pajama bottoms, leaving himself in just boxers. "This feels sooo much better."

"Want me to...?" I say nervously. He nods before laying face down on the bed, curling into himself and the red duvet. I take off my own clothes, also leaving my Muggle boxers, and lay next to him. "Better?"

"Yeah." I feel the room cool, which honestly feels amazing. "Now go to sleep. You'll feel better, trust me." He nods and turns, so his head is on my chest. "Sorry." Is all he says. I start stroking his hair and caress his back. "Everyone has bad days, Harry, even bad weeks. It's fine."

But he's already asleep. I kiss his forehead lightly, and lay back to get some sleep myself.

I woke up to a loud knocking, and looked around. I forgot, we're in the room of requirement. I stagger to the door and open it, and see Hermione with a pissed, worried look on her face. I shifts to a disgusted look when she sees me and Harry still asleep. "Where have you two- Did you two... Gross!"

"No, we did not, Hermione. Harry overloaded, and was worrying over everything because today is today, and he was uncomfortable and hot, so I figured here would be a better place to talk because this is where we usually talk, and he told me everything and he's just having a bad time. We stayed here because here would be a lot cooler than our dorm."

"So that's why your both practically naked and it's freezing in here." She makes her way inside and sits on the couch, looking at me, making me uncomfortable myself. "Why?"

"Remus freaked when he noticed you two were gone, and he thought Harry might of done something, with today being today and all that."

"Well, nope, he's okay. I'll bring him down for breakfast when he wakes up," I say. "I should go let him know he's okay, then. Don't let him sleep all day, Draco."

"I might, we were up till almost three. Go on then." She stands to leave, but looks over my shoulder. "Was it really that bad?"

"Yes. Oh, do you know any reason why Ron isn't talking to him anymore?"

"Ginny started some rumor again, and Ron doesn't know who to believe. Think, it's his best friend versus his sister." 

"Good point."

She left the room after that, and I walk over to the bed and take my original spot. "Mmm..." Harry mutters, leaning into my side. "Are you awake?"

"No," He whispers, making me smile. "Come on..." I nudge his arm, making him shift and wake. "Hi."

"Hi. Wanna go down for breakfast?" I throw him a pair of trousers that appear on the nightstand next to us. "No. I wanna stay up here for a little bit." He throws them on the floor and lays back down. "Okay. Hermione came up, we can't stay that long."

"Fine by me."

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