Chapter 3

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"Eighth years here please! Eighth years!" 

What? Mrs. Mcgonagall is calling out, so me and a few other Slytherins follow, along with five Gryffindors, two Hufflepuffs, and one Ravenclaw. We follow her to a portrait of the Lilac Lady. Then, she stops.

"All 8th years are going to be sharing a dorm. You will share a room with one other person, not necessarily from the same house. Now, the password is 'Acromantula'. Now, please listen while I list off who will be sharing with who..."

I'm barely listening, just waiting for my name. I barely hear it when I'm called.

"Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, farthest door to the right." I'm... I'm excited. Maybe I can get to know him better. Start off fresh.

 When I walk in though, Harry's already there, laying in the bed closest to the window. I can tell he isn't asleep, but I don't want to disturb him, so I put on a hoodie and go to bed myself, falling asleep in minutes.


I wake up and look at my clock. It is only 3:17 in the morning. Something had woken me up. 

What was it? 

I look over and see that Harry is no longer in bed. The light to our bathroom is on. Walking over and knocking on the door, I can hear small sobs before an "I'm fine, go back to bed." 

I never asked if he was okay, why did he immediately say that? 

"Are you sure? I heard you crying earlier." 

This time I didn't get a response.

 "Harry Potter, if you don't come out right now, I'm coming in." I mean it. He is not okay, and no one else could see that.

I'm not daft, especially after being in a place like his. Or... a place I'm assuming he's in.

I wait a few seconds, and when he still doesn't answer, I grab my wand and unlock the door...

I can't believe it. 

"Harry, why?" 

He's on the floor, in a small pool of his own blood. Both his wrist' had multiple cuts on them, and there was a blade next to him. I sit down next to him and lift his head so he was looking at me. He looks at me, with pure fear in his eyes. 

"No, leave me alone. Leave me alone, you can't help me," he says, trying to get out of the room. I grab his shoulder and sat him down again. 

"No, talk to me. This is not okay."

He knew I would find out, or else he wouldn't've done it here. He would've waited, or he would've put stronger charms on the door. He would've made sure I couldn't find out for a long time.

He wants help.

He's about to say something, but instead, he startles me by jumping off the floor and braking into a sprint. I follow him all the way to the astronomy tower, and when I look through the small window, he's sitting on the floor with a quill and a piece of parchment

I need to get Remus...

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