Chapter 9

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No one can know until I did it, and my story has ended.....

Which will happen soon...

"Leave me alone." The words don't feel right coming out. They sting.

I can't let him get close, only to be hurt. 

"Goddammit Harry, you really never listen, do you. What about last night, and what we showed each other." Why does he have to bring this in? Seeing him like that last night, bloody hell, it hurt. He doesn't deserve the pain he has. 

He had no choice. I did. I could've saved lives, instead so many were lost.

"No, Draco, I remember clearly what happened last night, about how I'm a freak and your getting better, something I never can. Now, leave. Me. Alone." He looks hurt for a split second.

"Okay, number one: You are not a freak. Number two: You can and will get better. And number three: No. I won't leave, you've clearly done it again. What's going to happen a month from now, two months from now, in a year? You need help, so get the bloody help or I'll make you."

"How can you tell?" I put a spell on my cuts, so he shouldn't be able to tell I did anything. Unless... 

"Whatever spell you used, did not work," He points down at my arm, which has small drops of blood dripping from it.

 Can't I do anything right? 

"You clearly didn't use the right one, or it was to weak. What did you try?" 

Draco's eyes start to soften, along with his tone of voice, and he has me sit on the floor again. Why is he helping me, and why is he being so nice to me?

He waits for his answer, and I hide my arms behind my back and hang my head. "Baneles" I mumble, still hiding.

"Can I see?" His tone softens again, almost as if I would break at any given moment. He's already seen once before...

I'm scared to let him see again.

I shake my head, trying to hold back anything I can. 

I swear, this man is the only one who can break my mask completely, and that alone scares me.

He watches me for a few minutes, as if he could change my mind by doing so. 


He needs to give up on me, focus on him. He's obviously still hurting. Still, I take out one arm from hiding, the one with the least damage. He pulls up my sleeve, and then I can see what happened to the bandages. It looks like they had just faded, or disappeared. 

"Let me see the other one too." I do what he says, and try to hold back my tears as best I can, failing miserably. I let out a sob, and he looks up from my wrist' to my face, which is still hanging. 

He puts a hand to my chin and lifts my face. I close my eyes tightly. 

"Look at me."

It isn't a request like everything else, this is a demand. Slowly, I open my eyes. The first thing I see is Draco's blurred face, full of worry. He pulls me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine. 

I break and let out loud sobs. I just want to leave my place on the floor, and go back to Sirius' house. 

The last thing I want is to be alone, but if I'm alone, at least I'm not hurting anyone. I raise my arms and grip him for dear life, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

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