Chapter 14

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A/N Because I had to do a short chapter yesterday, today's will be longer than usual.


It only took Harry a minute to fall asleep after I gave him the potion. His head rested on my shoulder, so I put my arm around him. I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's slept in months.

As he's laying against me, I notice something in his pocket. It looks like parchment. Then I remember the letter in my back pocket. Carefully, i take the parchment out his pocket, and the letter in mine.


My initials are on one. I open it and realize it's another letter. Against my better judgment, I start reading.

'Dear Draco Malfoy,

Guess what? Your the one I love.' 


From my other letter. Never could've guessed that, huh? Thanks for being my friend the past week, but I love you. You had no choice, nothing you did is your fault. Your father's a monster, and Voldemort was evil as hell.' 


'I hope you have a good life. I just wish I could've told you this in person.' 

Thank God you were able to... 

'Please, continue your life. Mine doesn't matter.' 

No. Your wrong, you matter.

'Don't go back into old habits because of this.

I just want you to know, you are loved. I'm proof of that.

Love, Harry.

Holy shit... 

I notice my hand's shaking, but I still unfold the second letter. I need to know why, and mine didn't say.

'Dear Hermione, Ron, and everyone else (not you Draco)'

I don't care. I need to know why...

'I'm so sorry. I can't do it, I can't do it anymore. I could've saved so many lives, but I didn't. I could've been a better friend, and I wasn't. Ron, we haven't talked that much, and I'm sorry. You were one of the best friend's I could've asked for. Hermione, your smart, funny, annoying sometimes, but I love you for it. Your brilliant.'

Harry, no... You were brilliant...

'Your all probably wondering why, so I'll tell you. After the war, I lost myself. I lost everything that mattered. I lost most of my contact with my family, I lost contact with my friends. My uncle used to abuse me.'

What?!? No!

'I got beat when I was small, starved sometimes. I still starve myself, and I deserve it. When I turned twelve, that what when it happened. My own uncle, my family, stole something that can never be returned. He stole my virginity, and with it, a piece of me.'

No... No, no no no no... Not him too...

'I've never had real love. Like romantic love. I love someone right now, but they will never love me back. I landed his Father in Azkaban, I was just able to keep him from going there. We tormented each other, yes, but I still love him.'

You saved me by landing him there, Harry. I didn't care that we tormented each other, I love you just the same.

'That's right. Him. The savior, the Golden Boy, the chosen one, is Gay. Can't wait for that to get on the Daily Prophet. Not only that, but he's a Slytherin. Can you guess who?'

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