Chapter 55

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Sweet Pea and I walk out of the hospital with Adeline in her car seat
"Let me see her let me see her" Toni squeals "oh my god she's the most cutest thing I've ever seen"
"Hey what about me" Cheryl said pointing to her self
"I said cute not hot"
"Ok ok let's get home and you two can cuddle her till your heart's content"
"Actually I have a job I gotta do for Jug. I'm meeting him you know where" I sigh
"Ok just be careful"
"I will. I'll see you girls later" I watch at Sweet Pea gets in his truck. I get into the back of Cheryl's car with Adeline as Toni gets in the front. She drives us to the camp and we head into the trailer. I take Adeline out of her car seat and hold her in my arms sitting on the couch
"She's so little" Cheryl says holding her hand
"She has your eyes El"
"Thank goodness she looks more like you that Sweet Pea" Cheryl chuckles
"She's going to be well protected" Toni looks at me
"I wouldn't expect anything less from her auntie Toni and auntie Cheryl" I pause for a moment staring at my little girl "I want you guys to be her godmothers. You two and JB"
"Of course we'd love to" Cheryl smiles and Toni hugs me "who wants to hold her first?"
"Me" they both say at the same time I laugh handing her over to Toni first
"Look at her little hands, aren't you just the cutest" Toni coos at Ad
"So now she's home are you going to stay with her instead of coming back to school"
"No. I've spoken to principal weatherbee and he said since my grades are ok in maths and science I don't need to be in those classes, I can do my work either from home or in a spare room at school, however I need to be in English as you know I struggle with that class so he's changing my schedule so that Pea has a free period when I'm in English"
"So your bringing Ad to school?" Cheryl asks excitedly
"Most likely, yes" Cheryl quietly squeals in excitement "I only worry about the Ghoulies. Like I can't protect myself if I have a baby in my arms"
"Ok so your not left alone. When you get your new schedule we will work out who's in what class and who has free periods" Toni says passing Adeline to Cheryl then looking at me "like I said she's going to be we protected and so are you Ella"
"Thanks guys"

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