Chapter 42

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The next few days were meant to be an exciting time for Pea and I. We bought the crib and some clothes, Cheryl insisted on getting us some toys and a car seat, but instead of being excited we were worried. Worried about Archie and I grew worried about this new game G&G, people were becoming addicted, Dilton and Ben took the game to far, unfortunately Dilton didn't survive but Ben is currently in the hospital. Lastly Betty had a seizure, a fucking seizure. Sweet Pea has become more worried about me as the days have gone on, he's worried about the stress and it's true I am stressed but I gotta stay calm for my baby.

I decide to visit Archie with Veronica
"Why are you sitting like that?" V asks and Archie looks like he's in pain
"I'm just a little sore"
"From what?" I ask
"Nothing just working out. There's an amazing gym"
"Hmmm" I hum crossing my arms. I hear the gate open and a whistle I turn to see Bones one of the Ghoulies
"What's the Serpent Princess doing here?"
"Fuck off Bone head"
"Still a slut I see. This your baby daddy"
"Excuse you..."
"V don't" I shake my head
"So you and Pea have broken up then, does Malachai have you back yet? If not he will, you'd look good in a Ghoulies Jackets..... just a Ghoulies jacket" he chuckles
"To bad I had to fake it with Malachai, I've see cocktail sausages bigger than... well you know. B-bye now" he scoffs and walks over to a table
"How are you so confident around them?" V asks
"It's called acting my dear Veronica anyway going back to Andrews here where are your shoes?"
"The warden took them from me along with all my clothes. You know El Joaquin is in here got caught on riot night"
"Well shit. The Serpents have your back right?"
"Err yeah"
"Because you do know I know how this place works. If you're vulnerable gangs will do things, like steal your shoes" I raise an eyebrow at him
"I'm fine. Anyway talk to me about school how's the speakeasy coming along"
"It's coming. Ella here will be performing as requested by her fiancé"
"Wait seriously?" This is the first I have heard about this
"Yep thinks it will take your mind off everything"
"Ok 2 more minutes" the guard yells
"Just be carful Arch. Stick with Baby Teeth ok?"
"Ok Ella"

"Hey baby" Pea says walking into Pops with Fangs while I'm behind the counter cleaning
"Hey. You guys want your usual?"
"Can I have mine with an extra kiss?"
"Hmm we'll see" I smile at Pea as he and Fangs sit down waiting for their food
"Flirting with a customer El. Tut tut" V says smiling
"Shut it" I gently push her. We look up as the door opens and the bell goes off. Cheryl walks in
"I'll deal with this one" V says and walks over to them. Fangs and Peas order is done and I take it over to them
"Thank you El" Fangs says tucking into his fries
"No problem" I turn to walk away when Pea takes my hand
"Err what happened to my kiss?"
"I said we'll see" I wink at him as I walk away
"I guess the view will have to do for now baby" I roll my eyes and chuckle. Damn I love that boy. I watch as Cheryl walks out and V walks back to me
"What was that about?"
"Ughh Cheryl wants to be student body president and doesn't think I should stand in for Archie. El can I ask you something?"
"Sure" I put down the cloth I was using to wipe the counter top with
"Have you ever heard of the innocent project?"
"Errr yeah. I don't know to much about it though. I had a look at it when dad was accused of Jason's murder but before I could do anything Jug asked for the snake charmers help"
"Do you think it will help Archie?"
"I'm not sure. Just like my father, Archie confessed but it's worth a look into. I'm guessing Cheryl told you about it?"
"Yeah. Why didn't you?"
"Honestly I forgot about it. Never thought I'd ever have to think about it again. Like I said it's worth looking into" I shrug and go to take more orders.

"So there's this secret bunker that Ethel and her BOYFRIEND Ben were sneaking into"
"Wait hold up Ethel and Ben were dating? Are dating? And there's a secret bunker? How weirder can this town get" I say slouching on the couch, Pea is at work while I was cleaning the trailer. Jughead and Betty are telling me more about this G&G game
"Exactly our reaction" Betty said sitting next to me
"Who's is it?"
"Dilton Dooley's" Jug responds
"Dilton Doiley has a secret bunker?"
"Yep and Ethel is going to show us where it is tonight" Betty says
"Wow well I guess be carful"
"Anyway how was Archie when you saw him?" Jug now asks looking all serious
"Hard to say. I think the Ghoulies are making it hard, pretty sure they stole his shoes. I'm gonna go see Baby Teeth in a couple hours to see if the Serpents really do have his back in there. If not I'm not gonna be happy. Oh and Joaquin's in there was caught riot night"
"Damn it. He knows Archie, he knows that he's  not really a Serpent he's probably made it hard for him in there"
"Ughhh why didn't I think of that? All I can do is talk to Baby Teeth and hope for the best"
"Can I ask. What is it with all these names. I mean Jughead, Princess, Fangs, Sweet Pea, War Baby, Baby Teeth" I chuckle at Betty
"They all have meaning behind them not everyone has a nickname like ours some are normal like Toni's but some of us just have random names. For example and please don't tell him I told you but Sweet Pea is called that because he's a mammas boy and his mum's favourite flower are Sweet Peas"
"I never knew that" Jug says laughing.

I walk into the room where we are able to visit the inmates. I see Reggie and Veronica sat with Archie. I smile at them and walk over to Baby Teeth
"I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've see you properly"
"It's ok. You've got a lot going on. How's the little one cooking?" I chuckle
"He or she is fine. Pea and I are very excited. How are you doing?"
"Good. Sick of being in here"
"You'll be our before you know it"
"I've managed 2 years a few more months won't kill me"
"Have you met Archie Andrews?"
"Not personally. Joaquin scared him off I think, said he had to shive a Ghoulie, dude wouldn't do it said he didn't need our protection" BT shrugs, I turn around to see Archie and give him a 'you're an idiot' look. I turn back around
"Look I know Archie isn't a full Serpents but he means a lot to me and Jughead. So can you tell the other Serpents that I expect him to be watched over from now on. If any Ghoulie tries it with him they are taken care of"
"Anything for the Princess"
"Thank you"
"So are you leader yet" BT raises he's brows
"No, Jug is"
"What but you're such a good leader"
"Dad said I can't really lead a gang when I've got a baby. So I'm second in command, but one day I will be leader I can promise you that"
"I look forward to the day you and Sweet Pea run the Serpents together"

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