Chapter 21

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It's a few days after Jugheads suspension, I told Jug and my dad about the baby

"Dad, Jug I need to talk to you"
"About what Princess" dad says taking a seat on our couch
"Errm I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I'm pregnant"
"What?" Jugead says almost in a whisper. Dad doesn't say anything
"Look I'm sorry I was carful and..."
"Obviously you weren't" my dad scoffs
"I'm guessing Sweet Pea is the father or is it Mr Philips"
"Jughead you know that isn't fair. And it's Peas" before another argument can happen I walk out and go over to Sweet Peas trailer.

Of course they wanted to kill me and Pea so I've been staying with Sweet Pea to avoid any arguments. Morning sickness has started to pass which I'm very grateful for. Once again we're in the lounge area. Pea and Toni talking about something I couldn't care less about and I'm on the couch with a headache
"What the hell guys?" I look up to see Jughead looking shocked. I get up and walk over to Jughead
"Wheatherbee gave them to us" Toni says
"Said he understands that not every southside student had the means to purchase Riverdale High acceptable clothing" I say folding my arms as Pea drapes one of his over my shoulders
"He thinks this will help us fit in" Toni continues
"Where's Fangs?"
"Wouldn't wear the uniform so they got rid of him. Suspended him" Pea says slightly irritated
"So our choices are to conform or be cast out"
"Yup" I sigh
"El how are you feeling. I'm sorry about the other night"
"I'm fine"
"Are you coming home?"
"Are you and dad going to stop looking at me like I've killed someone?" I raise my eyebrows
"I'm sorry I didn't..."
"Whatever Jug. Can we just go to class my heads killing me today and I really don't want an argument"
"Come on" Pea says walking out with me with his arm still around my shoulders.

We go over to my locker to get some books out when I hear a voice that just immediately irritates me
"Hi Sweet Pea" Josie says. I roll my eyes
"Hi" Pea says, I clutch my locker. Why does she make my skin crawl so bad?
"So a few of us were going to go to Pops after school and I was wondering if you wanted to join us" she says looking at Pea the whole time
"No, we have plans" I say slamming my locker
"Oh hi El didn't see you there" she says
"Well that just makes this ten times worse"
"What do you mean?"
"Asking my boyfriend to go with you to Pops, I'm sure your friends will magically bail on you so it will just be you and Pea. Now I suggest you leave my boyfriend alone before I rearrange that pretty little face of yours"
"Are you threatening me. My mother is...."
"Mayor McCoy. I know. That's the only thing stopping me from hitting you right now" she scoffs and walks off. I turn to Pea who's leaning on the lockers, arms crossed and a smug look on his face
"What?" I ask
"Your just super hot when your jealous"
"Oh shut up" I smile and kiss him.

"Your so going down" I laugh at Toni holding the pool cue in my hand
"You wish" we are about to start the game when my dad shouts me
"El office now" I look up to see him annoyed
"Wish me look" I smile and kiss Pea on the cheek. I walk up to his office
"Yes dad"
"Why haven't you been home?"
"Because you and Jug are either arguing with each other or me"
"El your 17 and pregnant. I'm going to have a talk with Sweet Pea"
"That's rich coming from you. Yes I know about yours and Alice's secret so don't have a go at me"
"How did you know about that?"
"Damn that woman could never keep her mouth shut. Look Princess your my baby girl"
"I know dad but I'm having this baby. You can either support my decision and I'll come home or I stay with Pea" and with that I walk out of his office and over to the others
"Everything ok?" Fangs asks
"He's so infuriating sometimes" I say angry
"Calm down El. He just wants what's best for you" Toni says giving a slight smile
"I know. Babe can we go I'm tired and I don't want to face my dad again tonight"
"Of course Princess" he kisses my forehead. We say our goodbyes and head over to his.

"Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Swords and Serpents Club" Jug says sat on a teachers desk pealing an orange. Toni is sat on one of the students desks, Fangs is sat at a desk, Sweet Pea and I are sat behind them, Pea on the desk and I'm sat in between his legs and Jagger is sat at the back
"Which is what exactly?" Toni asks
"Like I told Fogarty to lure him back to dear old Riverdale. We are a gaming group, sanctioned by Mr Weatherbee himself. Where like minded students can meet and can concoct world building roll playing scenarios. In habitant fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures" I chuckle shaking my head
"No but really" Toni says. Jughead puts down the orange, Ive been craving oranges
"It's a club. For us. A safe...."
"Sorry to interrupt but if your not eating that orange can I have it please?" I smile at Jughead causing Fangs and Toni to giggle. He hands it to me "ok continue" I say starting to eat
"It's a safe haven where we can be serpents in school hours under everyone's noses. We're not  shedding our skins. We're lying low in the tall grass" I can feel everyone's smirk
"Maybe my brother isn't as dumb as I thought" I say popping another bit of orange in my mouth.

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