Chapter 40

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"Ok do I look bloated to you?" I ask Pea looking at myself in the mirror wearing my bikini ready for Cheryls pool party
"I think you look sexy" he kisses my neck while wrapping his arms around my waist
"Seriously though look"
"Babe your 5 months pregnant your probably going to start showing"
"I'm changing" I pull out of his grip and put on an normal swimsuit on "will you still love me when I'm fat?" I ask looking at the possible bump forming
"I'll always love you. Now come on it's our last day of summer" I put on one of Peas shirts and we get in his truck. We arrive at Cheryls, Toni and Cheryl greeting us
"You finally made it" Toni says looking suspicious
"Princess here kept changing her swimwear. I'm going to get a drink you want something?"
"We've got mocktails just for you" Cheryl takes my hand over to the kitchen
"Thanks guys" I take a drink and head outside
"Sweet Pea you came" Josie says excitedly hugging him "hi El" she says as if she's annoyed that I'm here "come on let's go to the pool" she drags him away, Pea looks back at me and I give him an annoyed look
"Hey Ella" I hear Reggie behind me
"He Reg"
"Josie trying to steal your man again?"
"She just won't leave him alone. Hey whatever happened with you two. I thought at the end of the school year last year you were together"
"She didn't want to go public so I broke it off"
"I see"
"Let's got sit down" I follow Reggie to some sun loungers where we have a perfect view of Pea and Josie chatting. Josie then starts flirting but Pea seems oblivious
"Ok Reggie but if she doesn't keep her filthy hands off my man I'm gonna punch something and its probably going to be her"
"I'll deal with it" just as he stands up Josie kisses Pea. I stand up ready to march over there
"What the hell Josie?" Pea stands up shouting
"I'm sorry it just happened" Josie smiles, but fades when she sees me
"No Josie it doesn't just happen" I yell
"In case you forgot he's engaged and has a baby on the way what we're you thinking?" Reggie says backing me up
"Leave me and my family alone got it. You want something of mine have my ex Malachai you two are made for each other" I shout then push her in the pool. I bend down over the side "next time you won't be so lucky" I stand back up and take Peas hand. Josie jumps out the pool and walks off while I smile at her
"That was kinda hot" Pea whispers in my ear
"Maybe you need to cool down as well" I say smirking. I push Pea in and jump in after him wrapping my arms around his neck
"I love you Pea"
"I love you too Ella"

"Guys" Fangs says frantically "where's Jughead?"
"Over there why?" I ask
"Jughead" Fangs yells running over to Jug. Pea and I look at each other then get out the pool "Jughead"
"What's up?"
"It's the Ghoulies. Those bastards have Hot Dog"
"Call a Serpent meeting now" I look at Jug "Cheryl" I yell
"Yeah" she says walking over to us
"We need a space for a meeting. Now"
"There's a tent over there"
"Thanks come on" we walk in and wait for the others to arrive. Sweet Pea pacing back and forth while I'm sat down
"Are you absolutely sure it was Hot Dog?"
"100% man"
"Jug he's been missing since riot night. Honestly I thought he was dead or ran off" I sigh, Pea starts rubbing my shoulders
"They must have snatched him riot night. He looked skinny. I don't think the Ghoulies are feeding him enough" Fangs continues
"Were lucky those animals aren't slow roasting him on a grill"
"What the hell Pea" I look at him disgusted
"What do we do Jughead?"
"We'd be going behind enemy lines out numbered open to attack from all directions, risking El and a gang war"
"No Serpent left behind Jug" I say looking at the table
"That includes our spirit animal. Ok we're going to deploy after dark. It'll be a stealth mission. It's gonna be quick"
"Jug" Betty says "last time you went into Ghoulie territory you were beaten to within an inch of your own life"
"She's right. Jug I'm coming with you"
"What?" Everyone looks at me
"No baby your not. Your not going any where near..."
"Sweet Pea please. I can't sit back and just wait"
"What about Malachai? What if you and Jug get caught?"
"He wants me right? He can have me for about 30 seconds. You still good with you bow and arrow little red?"
"Of course"
"Looks like we got ourselves a wolf to hunt down" I stand up
"Ella I don't like this" Betty says
"Neither are going in alone. They'll have back up" Cheryl says
"We'll be quick"
"Ok then I'm coming with you"
"No your not Betty your staying at yours"
"Don't Jug. If Ella who is pregnant gets to go then so do I. I'm the Serpent Queen" I roll my eyes a little. One day that will be me, I'll be the Serpents Queen and Pea the Serpent King. Don't get me wrong I love my brother and Betty but they don't have it in them to lead
"Ok. Let's bring Hot Dog home shall we?"

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