Chapter 25

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I'm sat in the lounge room next to Jughead on the couch, everyone just chatting amongst themselves
"Veronica are you trying to manage me?" Jughead says that snaps everyone's attention to him
"Define manage"
"People are going to loose their homes"
"Ok well why don't you and Ella come over with your dad and sit down with my dad, and hash this out like civilised humans"
"What you want us to talk to your dad about kicking us out the trailer park, Veronica have you thought about what will happen to us, where would we live? We couldn't move to the Northside its to expensive" I cross my arms
"Fine" my brother says and I roll my eyes "one condition. Your dad comes to sunny side trailer park. I want him to see the people he's going to be displacing"
"Fine. Trust me no one is being displaced" I scoff at Veronicas remark.

"Oh my god. Did you guys hear" Kevin comes running to us "my dads scanner is blowing up. The police found another dead body this morning. There's blood everywhere" well that peace didn't last long
"Could the Black hood have risen from the grave?" Juggie says in more of a statement than a question
"Did they say whose body?" Archie asks
"Where did they find it?" Betty asks, what's with all this questions?
"The investigations on going, but it was a gruesome gang style execution at the motel. Blood and brains splattered all over the duvet" my stomach turns
"I don't need to know" I groan
"Ok kev we get it" Archie says a little harshly
"I gotta go" Betty quickly gets up and walks off. We watch as she walks off
"Anyone notice she went really pale then" I say looking back at the others
"Yeah must have been Kevin and his talk about brains and blood" Archie says
"Could this really be the black hood again?" Veronica says
"My guess, yes" I stand up and grab my bag "I'll see you guys later. Promised lunch with Sweet Pea"

A couple days later Veronica and her dad are at our trailer talking about the plans for the Southside
"Thank you for agreeing to sit down to discuss this misunderstanding"
"Misunderstanding?" I question Hiram
"There's no mis..."
"There's no misunderstanding here. Tall boy said you paid him to decapitate the Pickens statue" dad interrupts Jughead
"As an excuse to turn up the heat on the Serpents. You know we had the cops knocking on our door for a week while we were all trying to grieve, especially Ella"
"Of course my deepest condolences to you and your family" Hiram looks at me and I scoff
"You know you got a lot of nervous people scared they'll loose their homes" dad leans over the table
"I heard about that and although it has nothing to do with me" I slightly laugh at Hiram's attempt to play the nice guy "I spoke with Mayor McCoy and as a gesture of good will to the Southside community I'd like to settle any back rent you or your neighbours owe the town"
"And what do you want in return" Jughead asks and I raise my eyebrows
"Peace in the land" wow I guess Hiram is either actually being kind or is just a fantastic actor, I'll go with the latter
"Hmm" dad hums. I look at Veronica and she smiles at us, a little smug if you ask me "It's a deal" dad stands up and shakes Hiram's hand
"There is just one thing" ahhh here it is "Mayor McCoy tells me there some exposè your working on Jughead" Hiram looks at Jug "in exchange for my offer I'd appreciate it if you could keep my name out of it. Sound fair?" Jughead scoffs
"That sounds a lot like a bribe" I say
"No deal" dad and I smile at Hiram who looks a little annoyed
"See you in the funny pages"
"You may go now" I look at Veronica, honestly why was she even here she didn't talk or do anything. Veronica and Hiram leave and I text Sweet Pea

To Sweets
They've both left finally. Want to meet at Sweetwater?

From Sweets
Sure meet you there in 20?

To Sweets

"You ever wondered what it would be like to get away and leave Riverdale behind us?" I turn to face Sweet Pea who's lying on his back without a shirt on with his hands behind his head
"All the time, but it always comes down to this is my home I grew up here" Pea looks up to the stars. We have been here for hours now, we went swimming then decided to watch the stars
"Maybe one day when we're older things will be ok. Maybe our kids won't grow up in fear like we have"
"Our kids?" Sweet Pea now turns to face me smiling, I blush
"Yeah. Haven't you thought about it?" I ask
"Of course I have. We get married young, everyone disapproves but it doesn't matter because we are so in love. We move into a house that is big enough for us to have children, 3 beautiful healthy children to be exact. I make a tree house with our oldest while you sit at the pool with the baby and the dog"
"Maybe one day" I say a little saddened that it may never happen. That perfect life that I just want to clutch but can't seem to grasp
"I love you Ella"
"I love you too Pea" I lean over and kiss him.

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