Chapter 49

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The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and see Jugheads name
"Hello?" I answer still half asleep
"I'm sorry El but I've had to leave"
"What?" I practically yell waking Sweet Pea up
"Baby what's wrong?" he groans. I pull the phone from my ear
"Jugheads leaving" I put the phone on loud speaker "why? Where?"
"I can't say where, but I'm leaving with Archie. Don't call me on this phone. Tell dad I love him, tell Adeline that her uncle Jug loves her. Ella your in charge. Goodbye sis, I love you" with that he's gone. I look at Pea with tears in my eyes
"I'm sorry baby, but hey you finally get what you want and that's to lead the Serpents"
"Were not going to die out on my watch" I get up and get dressed for the day
"My phone rings again, this time it's Kevin"
"Hey Kev"
"Sheriff Minetta is dead"
"Wait what?"
"Body was found without hands or a head"
"So who's sheriff now?"
"I have no clue"
"Ok I'll see you later" I put the phone down and tell Sweet Pea what Kevin just told me. Pea and I walk out the trailer together. Pea whistles to gain everyone's attention
"Listen up"
"My brother, he's gone. I don't know where and I don't know why so don't ask. From now on I'm in charge, you listen to me got it? You have an issue you come to me. Sheriff Minetta is dead, I don't know who the new sheriff is. That is all"


I decided to go back to school, I'm fully awear I didn't use up my maternity leave but I'm going stir crazy at home without the baby, plus I don't trust Josie around Pea while Im not there. That day at school was weird. No Jughead, no Archie and no Betty. I have no idea where Betty is maybe she went with Jughead? 
"Hey Ella, hey Sweet Pea" Cheryl says walking into the student lounge hand in hand with Toni
"Hey" I say
"Still no word from Jughead?"
"Nope. Also where the hell is Betty?"
"Did she go with them?" Toni asks
"That's what I thought at first but now I'm not sure. Why would Betty go and not Veronica?" The girls shrug
"So now your back at school and no longer pregnant how would you like to join the vixens now?"
"Only if there's a spot available"
"Always for you"
"You know what I might try out for basket ball" Pea says putting his arm around my shoulder
"Could do with the hight on the team" I hear someone behind us. I turn around to see Reggie walking in with Josie and Fangs. I snuggle up closer to Sweet Pea
"Who would have ever thought bulldogs allowing snakes on the team" Josie chuckles shaking her head 
"So Ella I heard you became leader of the Serpents" Reggie raises an eyebrow
"Hell yeah I have. I just need to figure out how to get new recruits, build us up again. The Southside was ours, it will be once again" I hear laughing from the door
"You really think Malachai and Penny would allow that to happen? No chance, well that is unless you join us. Mal would make you his Queen " this time it's me that laughs as I get up and start to walk slowing to JC
"Oh JC. Tell me, why would I swap Sweet Pea and the Serpents for the Ghoulies? I mean come on a man with that big of an ego is obviously compositing for something, I would know. Tell dear ol Malachai that he's messing with the wrong girl. Has he forgot I know him?" I finally get to his face, I fold my arms "I know a lot more about him that you. For example did you know he's got mummy issues? Before he was a Ghoulie he was a nerd? Oh and this is my favourite one, I used to fake it with him. I would never finish. Do I need to go on or are we done here?" I raise and eyebrow and I can see JC looks visibly annoyed. He walks out as I turn back towards the others
"Damn babe where's this confidence come from?" Pea smirks I walk back to him and sit on the couch next to him "that was hella sexy" he whispers in my ear
"Hey Ella can you sing tonight a La Bonne Nuit?" Veronica says sitting next to me
"Errr sure?"
"Of course I will pay you, also Sweet Pea can you help behind the bar with Reggie?"
"I mean yeah. What's going on tonight?"
"It's casino night so everyone is welcome"

"You don't need to worry about making me crazy
'Cause I'm way past that
Eh, and so just call me, if you want me
'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be
On your tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Just as long as I'm
The name on your tattooed heart
Wrap me in your jacket
My baby
And lay me in your bed
And kiss me, underneath the moonlight
Darling let me trace the lines on your tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Tattooed heart
Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart"

The speak easy erupts in applause as I walk off the stage for my break
"Drink Ella?" Reggie asks
"Yes please"
"You were so good baby"
"Thank you Pea" Reggie hands me a drink
"Still no word from Jughead?"
"What about Betty?"
"Nothing Reg. I dunno something isn't sitting right with me"
"Babe you need to relax, I'm sure Jughead and Archie are fine. Betty will turn up"
"I hope your right" I take a sip of my drink.

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