Chapter 23

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After a few days of grieving I started to feel myself again. Sweet Pea and I decided to have a little funeral, just the Serpents and us on the bridge, we all threw a flower into the river. This helped a lot and also giving the baby a name, Jamie, a unisex name as we will never know if the baby was going to be a boy or girl. Doing this helped us with closure, we may have only known about the baby for a short time but we loved him or her so much.
I'm sat at the table with my dad and Jughead when there's a knock at the door
"Sheriff Keller what a Surprise" Jug says opening the door as I take a sip of my coffee
"Jughead, FP, Ella. Sorry to bother you it's just uh"
"We don't have General Pickens head" Jug says annoyed "and we don't know who stole it" Jughead continues
"The same as the last four times you asked us and our neighbours" dad says
"And anyway you know Jug, dad, Sweet Pea and I were in the hospital" I cross my arms
"These visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment. There's absolutely no evidence, zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects. Like El said we were at the hospital that night, we have been grieving so why would we steal the head? Hum?"
"You did write a rather scathing article about the general's legacy which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by Pickens day with an ax to grind" I slam my cup down and stand up
"Yeah and as you saw I passed out or do you think I faked a pregnancy and miscarriage?"
"El sit down" dad says I ignore him
"I'm actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about catching a vandal than the black hood. Can I get a quote?" Dad and I chuckle at Jugs comment. Sheriff Keller smiles then walks out.

"What the hell is this?" I ask Jughead who hands me a piece of paper while Sweet Pea and I are at at Pops
"Eviction notice. Everyone has had one"
"Damn it" dad says "El call a Serpent meeting at the Wyrm tonight for when I finish my shift. I'll meet you there" I nod and send out a text. Sweet Pea, Jug and I head to the Whyte Wyrm and wait for dad.

After a couple hours my dad walks in and stands on the stage. Sweet Pea, Jughead, Toni, Fangs and I together next to the pool table. Sweet Pea leaning on it and me leaning on him
"We all got the eviction notice but I swear to you no one is going anywhere. The heat has been on us since Pickens day and they are using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. If we're gonna fix this I gotta ask, is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off Pickens head?"
"Why don't you ask your son what he has to say?" Tall Boy walks through the crowd of Serpents
"What is your problem with me Tall Boy" Jug yells
"You wrote the article that started this mess. You and your posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day" Tall Boy looks down at us
"It was a peaceful protest turncoat" Toni now yells
"That accomplished nothing. What's to say you and your boyfriend didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw?"
"Hey. We didn't do it. Hell Tall Boy your the tallest guy in this room you wouldn't even need a ladder" Jug walks up to Tall Boy shouting. I sigh leaning my head back into Sweet Pea as he has his arms wrapped round me
"Jughead, Tall Boy the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other. Hey we'll find a way out of this" Tall Boy walks off and Jug walks back to us
"We're screwed" I sigh
"No we're not. Dads got this"

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